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讨论案例:据报载,一家民营鞋企出了一个怪现象:明明有质量更好、价格更低廉的鞋胶品牌可以采购,采购员偏偏选择一个价格高出1/3,而质量未见得更好的品牌下订单,这当然直接增大了企业的生产成本。分管生产的副总很窝气,给老板提了好几次建议,提出换掉该采购员。老板听在耳里,却迟迟没有行动。不是老板糊涂,也不是他没有一套员工管理制度,根本的原因是这位采购员的身份特殊:他是当地税务局某要人的弟弟。这位“弟弟”拿着一份不薄的工资,同时又把在采购环节张胆“吃”来的回扣,以“劳务费”的名义“合法”地据为已有。该企业的老板当然很无奈,因为就算是一家正当经营、照章纳税的企业,在和税务等部门的交道中,都会遇到这样那样的问题,不得不付出很多精力去应付。如果有关系照顾,自然会减少很多不必要的麻烦;同时,税务机关手中有掌控着诸如税收优惠的政策,与它搞好合作关系,企业实际得到的好处远远超过目前增加的那部分成本。这是一个非常中国特色的现象。实际上,在经济生活中,通过这类“权力周旋”降低经济成本,甚至成为很多生意人和企业的生存的条件。如果你是生意人或者是老板,碰到这类现象该怎么想怎么做? Discussion case: According to reports, a private shoe company has a strange phenomenon: obviously there are better quality and cheaper shoes and plastic brands can be purchased, buyers choose a price higher than 1/3, but the quality has not been more Orders made by good brands, of course, directly increase the company’s production costs. The vice president in charge of production was very uncomfortable, gave the boss several suggestions and proposed replacing the buyer. The boss listened to his ear but he did not act. Not the boss is confused, nor is it that he does not have a staff management system. The fundamental reason is the special identity of the buyer: he is the younger brother of a key person in the local taxation bureau. The “brother” took a not-so-substantial salary and at the same time retired the rebate that he “eats” during the procurement process. “Legal” is claimed in the name of “labor service fee”. The owner of the company is of course very helpless, because even if it is a company that is properly operating and pays taxes, it will encounter such problems in the dealings with the taxation departments and will have to pay a lot of energy to deal with it. If there is relationship care, it will naturally reduce a lot of unnecessary troubles. At the same time, the tax authorities have control over policies such as tax incentives and have a good relationship with it. The actual benefits of the company far exceed those currently added. This is a phenomenon with very Chinese characteristics. In fact, in economic life, lowering the economic cost through such “power deals” has even become a condition for the survival of many businessmen and enterprises. If you are a businessman or a boss, what do you think about this phenomenon?
中农博远是国内最早研发、制造玉米联合收获机的企业之一,在201 4年玉米收获季节到来之际,中农博远准备了充足的服务资源,培养了大批技术精湛的服务人员,备好了服务车辆和配
销售就是一个获得承诺的过程,需要用一种积极的方式来对待。 Sales is a process of getting a commitment and needs to be treated in a positive way.
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The ranks of educated, aggressive and generally elite businessmen are growing Every morning, Liu Daqing, 48, owner of a small engineering company, drives to ins
五征自走式4YE-4型玉米收获机摘穗、剥皮作业指标和损失率都优于国家标准的要求。剥皮干净、籽粒损失率很低,很受用户欢迎。该机配套动力采用117.6kW(1 60hp)一汽锡柴发动机,