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1 前言长江是我国最大的内河,是横贯我国东西的水上交通大动脉,随着改革开放的不断深入,西部大开发战略的进一步实施,通过长江流域实施水上危险货物运输数量逐年猛增。其中,危险货物散装运输因其低成本、大运输量、接卸快捷等特点,增长态势尤为明显。长江下游沿岸上海和江苏二省市,人口密集,经济发达,码头众多,航运发达。散装液态危险货物运输的迅猛发展,对经济建设起到积极促进作用,同时对水域安全和环境也构成巨大的危害风险。于2002年3月15日起实施的《危险化学品安全管理条例》中就明确规定:禁止利用内河以及其他封闭水域等航运渠道运输剧毒化学品以及国务院交通部门规定禁止运输的其他危险化学品。以《条例》的实施为契机,本文试图通过对长江下游水域散装液态危险货物运输的风险分析,来探讨如何加强该水域的化学事故风险管理。 1 Introduction The Yangtze River is the largest inland river in our country and the artery of water transport across our country. With the deepening of reform and opening up and the further implementation of the strategy for the great development of the western region, the number of dangerous goods transported by water in the Yangtze River Valley has been increasing rapidly year by year. Among them, the bulk cargo transport of dangerous goods is particularly obvious due to its low cost, large transportation volume, quick loading and unloading. The lower reaches of the Yangtze River, Shanghai and Jiangsu provinces and cities, densely populated, economically developed, many terminals, developed shipping. The rapid development of the transport of bulk liquid dangerous goods has played a positive role in promoting economic construction and has also posed a great risk to the safety and environment of waters. The “Regulation on the Administration of Hazardous Chemicals”, which came into force on March 15, 2002, clearly stipulates that transportation of highly toxic chemicals through shipping routes such as inland waterways and other enclosed waters is prohibited and other dangerous chemicals prohibited by the transportation department of the State Council from being transported . Taking the implementation of the “Regulations” as an opportunity, this article attempts to explore how to strengthen the management of chemical accident risk in the waters through the risk analysis of the transport of bulk liquid dangerous goods in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River.
报道了脉冲钛宝石激光器的双波长可调谐运转,双波总能量达到41.8mJ,调谐范围大于100nm,并且研究了双波长运转时的竞争效应、增益损耗的影响、时域特性等 The dual-wavelength tunable oper
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当前有许多环境问题急需解决,而且大多数国际机构面临的环境问题之多已超过其处理能力。在这种情况下,国际机构的注意力只能集中于事故的预防上。 Many environmental prob