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眼下,不少学校对研究性学习课程的开设和实施抱着等待观望的消极态度。究其原因,我们不得不承认这样一个无法回避的事实:考试尤其是高考在很大程度上具有“指挥棒”的作用,形成了“教什么,考什么;考什么,教什么”的“剪不断、理还乱”的循环。尽管这一“指挥棒”受到种种谴责和限制,然而它的“指挥”功能却依然故我。不过,目前正如火如荼进行的课程改革也正在加速教育教学评价体系的改变,尤其是高考的改革,如考试的科目、内容、招生方式等。高考已不再单单具 Right now, many schools have a negative attitude towards the establishment and implementation of research-based learning courses. For the reason, we have to admit that such an unavoidable fact: the examination, especially the college entrance examination, has a great role as a “bunch” and forms a “shear of what, what to test, what to test, and what to teach”. Continuous, unreasonable circulation. Although this “baton” was subject to all kinds of condemnation and restrictions, its “command” function still kept me. However, the curriculum reform currently under way is also accelerating the changes in the evaluation system for education and teaching, especially the reform of the college entrance examination, such as the subject, content, and enrollment methods of the exam. The college entrance exam is no longer alone
太阳是地球上光、热和生命的源泉。史前时代的古人把太阳当作宇宙中最伟大的神来祭拜。但事实上在茫茫宇宙中,太阳只是银河系中数千亿颗恒星中普通 The sun is the source
随着高考综合科目的确定 ,学科与学科之间紧密联系的题目将越来越突出 ,尤其是作为工具性学科的数学 ,与其它学科的联系更为密切 ,本文通过具体的例子来说明其应用 .一、与物
这个物理教研组在庐江二中算不上一个大组,向来是不显山不露水的,但却藏龙卧虎,群星闪耀…… This physics and teaching group is not a large group in the Minjiang No.
巧用v-t图像来解某些运动学题目,可收到简便快捷之功效. 例1火车从甲站到乙站的正常行驶速度是60千米/时.有一次火车从甲站开出,由于迟开了5分钟,司机把速度提高到72千米/时,才刚好正点到达乙
There must be some use for the talent heavengranted me.天生我才必有用。Little learning is a dangerous thing.孤陋寡闻,如履薄冰。Knowledge is power.知识就力量。Y
肝脏平滑肌肉瘤,国内未见报道,我院于1979年4月遇到一例,报告如下。刘××,女,48岁,干部,沈阳市人。因腹部肿块一个月就诊。 Liver leiomyosarcoma, no reports of domesti