
来源 :农药市场信息 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:catche
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肥料、农药和种子同属农业投入品,目标相同,渠道重合。在近些年日趋白热化的市场竞争下,一些不同类型的农资企业展开合作将不同产品捆绑进行打包营销。最突出的典型就是当下风头正劲的种肥同播,种子企业和肥料企业联合将肥、种一并提供给经销商和农户。作为农资领域新兴的营销模式和服务方式,打包营销整合了产品和网络,将渠道价值进一步放大,未来前景值得关注。打包营销因应了市场需求,所以,这种模式未来将具有强大的生命力。一是打包营销适应了企业新产品推广的需要。农作物 Fertilizers, pesticides and seeds belong to the same agricultural inputs, with the same goals and overlapping channels. In recent years, increasingly intense market competition, a number of different types of agricultural resources enterprises to collaborate on different products bundled marketing package. The most prominent typical is the current limelight with the kind of fat broadcast, seed companies and fertilizer companies will be combined with fertilizer, species and provide distributors and farmers. As an emerging marketing model and service mode in the field of agricultural capital, packaged marketing integrates products and networks and further enlarges the value of channels, so the future prospect deserves our attention. Packaging marketing in response to market demand, so this model will have a strong future vitality. First, packaging marketing to meet the needs of the promotion of new products. crop
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9井沟子遗址位于内蒙古林西县双井店乡敖包吐村井沟子自然村北 ,西北距林西县政府所在地林西镇约 4 0公里 ,南距西拉木伦河8公里。这里地处大兴安岭南延弧形隆起地带的北端 ,
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