Angiotensin-converting enzyme and bradykinin gene polymorphisms and cough: A meta-analysis

来源 :World Journal of Cardiology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:muteng12
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AIM:To evaluate the association between genetic polymorphisms and angiotensin converting enzyme in-hibitor (ACEI)-related cough,and the race-or ethnicity-related difference in the prevalence of cough attributed to ACEI therapy.METHODS:We conducted a search in PubMed,EM-BASE,Cinahl,and the Cochrane Database without language limitation.A database of 11 studies on ACEI-related cough,with detailed information regarding ACE I/D or bradykinin B 2 receptor polymorphisms,was created.Eligible studies were synthesized using meta-analysis methods,including cumulative meta-analysis.A subgroup analysis was also performed using ethnicity.RESULTS:Six studies were included on ACE I/D poly-morphism (398 Caucasians,723 East Asians),and three studies were included on bradykinin B 2 receptor poly-morphism (300 East Asians).The distribution of ACE genotypes showed significant differences in the entire population (P=0.004) and in East Asians (P=0.005)but not in Caucasians (P=0.23).Allelic frequencies of ACE showed significant differences in East Asians [odds ratio (OR)=1.49 (1.11-2.02)].The meta-analysis with a random effects model showed a significant associa-tion between ACE allele I/D and ACEI-related cough [random effects (RE) OR=1.49 (1.11-2.02),P=0.009] in East Asians,but not in Caucasians [RE OR=0.90 (0.60-1.35)].The allelic frequencies of the bradykinin B 2 receptor gene were significantly different [OR=2.25 (1.42-3.57)].The distributions of the T/C genotypes of the bradykinin B 2 receptor gene were significantly dif-ferent (χ 2=8.366,P=0.015).The meta-analyses re-vealed that there was a significant association between the bradykinin B 2 receptor allele and ACEI-related cough in East Asians [RE OR=2.29 (1.42-3.69),P=0.001].CONCLUSION:ACE I/D and Bradykinin B 2 receptor polymorphisms contributed to the risk of ACEI-related cough in East Asians,but a negative association be-tween ACE I/D polymorphism and ACEI-related cough was observed in Caucasians. AIM: To evaluate the association between genetic polymorphisms and angiotensin converting enzyme in-hibitor (ACEI) -related cough, and the race-or ethnicity-related difference in the prevalence of cough attributed to ACEI therapy. METHODS: We conducted a search in PubMed , EM-BASE, Cinahl, and the Cochrane Database without language limitation. A database of 11 studies on ACEI-related cough, with detailed information regarding ACE I / D or bradykinin B 2 receptor polymorphisms, was created. Eligible studies were synthesized using meta - analysis methods, including cumulative meta-analysis. A subgroup analysis was also performing using ethnicity. RESULTS: Six studies were included on ACE I / D poly-morphism (398 Caucasians, 723 East Asians), and three studies were included on bradykinin B 2 receptor poly-morphism (300 East Asians). The distribution of ACE genotypes showed significant differences in the entire population (P = 0.004) and in East Asians (P = 0.005) but not in Caucasians (P = 0.23) ACE showed significant differences in East Asians [odds ratio (OR) = 1.49 (1.11-2.02)]. The meta-analysis with a random effects model showed a significant associa tion between ACE allele I / D and ACEI-related cough [random effects (RE) OR = 1.49 (1.11-2.02), P = 0.009] in East Asians, but not in Caucasians [RE OR = 0.90 (0.60-1.35)]. The allelic frequencies of the bradykinin B 2 receptor gene were significantly different [ OR = 2.25 (1.42-3.57)]. The distributions of the T / C genotypes of the bradykinin B 2 receptor gene were significantly dif ferent (χ 2 = 8.366, P = 0.015) .The meta-analyzes re-vealed that there was a significant association between the bradykinin B 2 receptor allele and ACEI-related cough in East Asians [RE OR = 2.29 (1.42-3.69), P = 0.001] .CONCLUSION: ACE I / D and Bradykinin B 2 receptor polymorphisms contributed to the risk of ACEI-related cough in East Asians, but a negative association be-tween ACE I / D polymorphism and ACEI-related cough was observed in Caucasians.
研究性学习就是由学生在一定情景中发现问题,根据所研究的课题来设计方案,并通过他们的探索、研究求得问题的解决,从而体验和了解科学探索过程,养成自主探究、创新的意识和习惯,形成和提高创新能力。研究性学习的试题就是要求学生用研究性的思路考虑问题,提出解决问题的方案,体现了学生学习的综合能力。现结合2005年中考物理试题归类例析,供参考。    一、探究型    这类试题的特点主要体现在所研究问题的结论是
过圆锥曲线的焦点F引互相垂直的弦AB,CD,只考虑三角形ACF和BDF,则ACFDB的形状似蝶形.对于这种特殊的图形,其面积最值有如下的结论. The focus F of the conic curve leads to
目的 为探讨腹腔镜技术在急腹症中的应用价值。方法 回顾分析 5 7例急腹症的病情与手术方式选择的相关因素。结果 手术及病理检查证实诊断 ,腹腔镜手术成功 5 5例 ,成功率
眩晕发作时,患者觉得外界的景物在旋转、摇晃,或觉得自己的身体在旋转,或觉得自己站立的地方突然倾斜了,同时还伴有恶心、呕吐、面色苍白、出冷汗、站立不稳等症状。  引起眩晕的最常见原因有:内耳外伤,患慢性扁桃体炎、鼻窦炎、中耳炎或龋齿时由于细菌的作用使内耳中的迷路发炎,由于患上呼吸道病毒感染引起的前庭神经元炎,某些药物(如链霉素、卡那霉素、庆大霉素、新霉素、多黏菌素B、奎宁、磺胺类药物等)中毒引起的听