
来源 :花木盆景(花卉园艺) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:coolfish150
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要想培育出好的兰花,必须细心观察,把握好其在各生长阶段的生长规律,因地制宜地进行科学管理。一、萌芽期的护养兰花的萌芽期一般在四、五月份,正是春回大地,阴雨连绵,有时无雨,便有早雾。因此,在这期间,除了要保持空气湿润,温度适中,土壤潮润,以利兰花正常生长外,更重要的是防止盆内终日积湿,伤根烂芽,生霉发病,在北方还要注意避免燥风吹袭和寒流侵害。这时期也不宜施干肥。更忌施用浓肥,因为萌芽期间,也是兰株新根系萌动的时节,如施用浓肥,容易烧伤新根系,轻者影响植株的正常生长。重者会造成植株死亡。二、展叶期的护养此时兰叶已经展开,能够进行光合作用。兰株比任何时候都充满生机与活力,因此要适当增加光照的强度,并结合浇水,施用一些淡薄液肥,通常每月施一至二次为度,在气候干燥时还可对叶面进行喷雾,以降低温度和增加空气的湿度。然而值得注意的是,这一时期也是兰花的高发病期,浇水时要掌握“干则浇,浇则透”的原则,傍晚喷雾时要适当,切不可使雾珠在叶面及芽上留存过夜,否则会诱发病害。预防病害,除了注意通风透光外,每月还可采用甲基托布津、百菌清等药物对兰叶正反两面进行 To cultivate a good orchid, we must carefully observe and grasp their growth in the growth of the law, according to local conditions for scientific management. First, the germination period Nursing Orchid germination period generally in April and May, it is spring back to the earth, rainy, sometimes no rain, there will be early fog. Therefore, during this period, in addition to keep the air moist, moderate temperature, soil moist, to facilitate the normal growth of orchids, the more important is to prevent the basin all day wet, rotten bud rot, mold disease in the north but also pay attention to Avoid wind blowing and cold infringement. This period should not be dry fertilizer. But also avoid the use of concentrated fertilizer, because during germination, is also a blue plant new root germination season, such as the use of concentrated fertilizer, easy to burn new roots, the light affect the normal growth of plants. Heavy will cause plant death. Second, the development of leaf-nurturing At this time blue leaf has started, to carry out photosynthesis. Lan plant is full of vigor and vitality than ever before, therefore, it is necessary to appropriately increase the intensity of light and apply some light liquid fertilizer in combination with watering. Usually it is applied once or twice a month, and the leaf surface can also be sprayed when the climate is dry , To reduce the temperature and increase the humidity of the air. However, it is noteworthy that this period is also the high incidence of orchids, watering to master “dry pouring, pouring through ” principle, the evening spray should be appropriate, must not make fog beads in the foliage and Leave on bud overnight, otherwise it will induce disease. Prevention of disease, in addition to pay attention to ventilation and transparency, the monthly can also use thiophanate methyl, chlorothalonil and other drugs on both sides of the blue leaves
目的 观察氨磺必利对抑郁症大鼠行为的影响,并探究其对大鼠海马组织Toll样受体(TLR)/NOD样受体(NLR)通路相关蛋白表达的影响.方法 将SD大鼠随机分为对照组、模型组及低、中、
目的 利用全外显子测序技术寻找1例智力障碍合并癫痫及运动障碍患者的遗传学病因,并探究其致病机制.方法 提取患儿及父母双方的外周血DNA,使用外显子测序技术寻找患儿的致病
在最新的《test》的测试中,对20款专业摄像机进行了测评,比起那些带有摄像功能的数码相机,专业摄像机不仅小巧灵活,也更易操作。 In the latest “test” test, 20 professi