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省黄河河务局既是一个行政机关,又管辖着20多个企事业单位,职工上万人。既接受国家黄委会的垂直领导,又在省政府领导下,主管全省的治黄工作。这种条块结合的双重领导体制,有利于协调省与省、地区与地区之间的关系,符合治理黄河事业的实际需要。国家和地方每年投入大量资金,用于修堤坝、建桥闸、黄河防汛和引黄灌溉等工程。如何加强企事业单位的经营管理工作,用好国家资金,管理好自身的创收经营,就成为治黄事业中一项至关重要的工作。一、加强思想教育,提高对治理黄河重要性的认识黄河是山东最大的客水资源,不仅是沿黄市地经济发展的命脉,而且在我省国民经济和社会发展中起着重要作用,这就要求把治理黄河的经济管理工作摆到重要的位置。一是加强财会人员的思想教育工作,树立坚强的责任感和事业心。思想品德是职业道德的核心,提高财会人员的思想品德是做好经营管理的根本保证。要遵循江泽民总书 The Yellow River Bureau of the province is not only an administrative organ, but also governed more than 20 enterprises and institutions with tens of thousands of employees. It not only accepts the vertical leadership of the State Yellow Party Committee, but also under the leadership of the provincial government in charge of the province’s governance of the Yellow River. The dual leadership system combined with such a bar is conducive to coordinating the relations between the provinces, provinces, regions and regions, and is in line with the actual needs of governing the cause of the Yellow River. Every year, the state and local governments are investing a lot of money in engineering such as dam repair, bridge construction, flood control in the Yellow River and irrigation in the Yellow River. How to strengthen the operation and management of enterprises and institutions, make good use of state funds and manage their own revenue-generating operations have become a crucial task in the cause of treating the Yellow Sea. I. Strengthening Ideological Education and Raising Awareness of the Importance of Harnessing the Yellow River The Yellow River is the largest passenger and water resource in Shandong. It is not only the lifeblood of economic development along the Yellow River, but also plays an important role in the national economy and social development in our province. They demanded that economic and management work to govern the Yellow River be placed in an important position. First, strengthen the ideological and educational work of accounting personnel, establish a strong sense of responsibility and dedication. Ideology and morality are the core of professional ethics. Improving the ideological and moral qualities of accounting personnel is the fundamental guarantee for doing business. To follow General Secretary Jiang Zemin
We describe an all-optical wavelength conversion scheme for 1310 nm to 1550 nm based on nonlinear polarization rotation in a gain-transparent semiconductor opti
各自治州、市人民政府,各地区行署,各县(自治县、市、市辖区、特区)人民政府,省政府各部门、各直属机构: 省财政厅、省水电厅《关于进一步加强水利专项资金管理工作的报告》