
来源 :中国卫生 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:blackfairy
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不承认失误——承认失误要想把医改推向前进,必须要看到先前医改中存在的问题。有差距、有问题并不可怕,我们的改革就是为缩小差距、解决问题服务的。怕的是有问题不能被发现,更怕讳疾忌医,掩盖问题。中国的医改是在一个拥有13亿人口且还不富裕的大国进行的,是在“摸着石头过河”的改革过程中前进的。这种情况下,出现一些这样或那样的问题是难免的,即使有失误,也是可以理解的,是没有必要掩饰的。只有站在广大人民群众的立场上,先承认医改方面出现的新问题、 Do not admit mistakes - admit mistakes In order to push medical reform forward, we must see the problems in the previous medical reform. There are gaps and problems are not terrible. Our reform is to narrow the gap and solve problems. Afraid there is a problem can not be found, more afraid of taboo treatment, cover up the problem. China’s medical reform is carried out in a large country with a population of 1.3 billion and is not yet rich. It is advancing in the process of reform of “feeling the stones across the river.” Under such circumstances, it is inevitable that some problems of this kind or another emerge. Even if mistakes are made, they are understandable and there is no need to hide them. Only when standing on the broad masses of people and people should first recognize the new problems in medical reform,
A one-step process to introduce both the aromatic and aliphatic primary amino groups with high chemoselectivity was developed.Triplet state acetone abstracts th
2009年4月5日上午,记者在77米高的窄口水库大坝坝顶看到,施工人员正在操作机器开展坝体与防渗墙一体化灌浆作业,这表明国内外罕见深度的坝体混凝土防渗墙已经建成。 On the
Density functional theory(DFT)-B3LYP level with the 6-311G**(d,p) basis set was used to calculate a set of molecular quantum chemical descriptors of 12 chloroan
医院和医生不能承受之痛巨额赔偿 2005年6一7月份,中国医院协会对全国270家各级医院进行了相关的调查,据调查统计的数据:全国三级甲等医院每年发生的医疗纠纷中要求赔偿的有1
Harrisor C∥Nat Rev Drug Discov.-2007,6(5).-345发展能阻断细胞分裂所必需的关键分子功能的抑制剂是癌症治疗的一个可能途径。Steegmaier等鉴定出一种polo样激酶1(polo-li
由中华人民共和国文化部计划财务司、中国国际贸易促进委员会北京市分会和中国文化办公设备制造行业协会联合主办的中国国际图书馆及现代办公设备器材和技术展览会 ,于 1 999