再现光辉战例 塑造领袖形象——《四渡赤水》导演一席谈

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中央和军委的有关负责同志审查了八一厂重点片《四渡赤水》之后,都表示满意,给予了充分的肯定。为使这部反映我军战斗史上辉煌的一页、歌颂毛泽东军事思想威力的作品更臻完美,导演蔡继渭、谷德显二位同志决心精益求精、再行修改。前些时,我有幸观看了送审的片子,带着强烈而新鲜的感受同他们作了促膝交谈。这部史诗般的影片,凝聚着创作人员对老一辈革命家和我军光荣传统的无限深情,渗透了他们精心创造、辛勤探索的心血。蔡继渭同志介绍道,文学本搞了七、八年之久,深入生活搜集素材,早在一九七二年就开始了。那时由于“四人帮”的染指,在如何反映这个重大革命历史题材的问题上,几经曲折,走过弯路。“四人帮”横加干涉,限定只能描写团级以下的指战员,不许表现党的高级领导人;而且必须突出党内的路线斗争。结果使剧本存在“主题先行”、概 After the relevant responsible comrades of the Central Military Commission and the Central Military Commission reviewed the key piece of the “Si Du Chishui” on August 1, they all expressed their satisfaction and fully affirmed. In order to make this piece of page reflecting the brilliant history of our military’s battle more perfect, the works praising the power of Mao Tse-tung’s military ideology have become even more perfect. The two comrades, director Cai Jwei and Gu De-xian, are determined to strive for excellence and make further changes. Some time ago, I had the honor to watch the submission of the film, with a strong and fresh feeling with them made a knee-jerk conversation. This epic film embodies the infinite affection of the creative personnel for the glorious tradition of the older generation of revolutionaries and our army and infiltrates the painstaking efforts they have made to create and study hard. Comrade CAI JI-WEI introduced that literature had been going on for seven or eight years and that an in-depth collection of materials began as early as 1972. At that time, due to the “gang of four,” there were twists and turns in how to reflect the historical theme of this major revolution. The “gang of four” are complicit in intervening. They can only confine themselves to commanders and crew members below the regiment rank and are not allowed to show the party’s top leaders. Moreover, it is imperative to highlight the line struggle within the party. The result of the script there “theme first”, general
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