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中国是一个有着悠久文化历史的古老国度,有着五千年的辉煌文化,但近代的中国却没有了辉煌。1840年,西方列强用鸦片和大炮敲碎了中国的美梦,但却没有将中国完全地震醒。1864年李鸿章写给恭亲王的信中说:“鸿章窃以为中国士大夫沉浸于章句小楷之积习,武夫悍卒又多粗蠢而不加细心,以致用非所学,学非所用,无事则斥外国之利器为奇技淫巧,以为不必学;有事则惊外国之利器为变怪神奇,以为不能学。”1894年,日本发动了甲午战争,中国这个“天朝上国”被日本这个“蕞尔小国”打得惨败。120年来,国人一直在反省惨败的原因。马勇先生认为:“作为东方国家,日本是近代世界列强盛宴上的迟到者。因为迟到,所以贪婪;因为贪婪,所以盛宴的先到者一方面欢迎这个东方兄弟加盟,另一方面不愿看到这个迟到者破坏规则,恶性膨胀。它的过度贪婪,让西方列强非常不安。”不 China is an ancient country with a long history of culture and has a splendid culture of 5,000 years. However, China did not have any brilliant achievements in modern times. In 1840, Western powers smashed the dream of China with opium and artillery, but did not completely awaken China. In a letter written to Prince Gong in 1864, Li Hongzhang said: “Hong Zhang stole that Chinese scholars and physicians were immersed in the small-scale exercises of the chapter and that Wu Wu was so stupid as not to be careful, Things are denounced as a foreign magic weapon for trickery, that do not have to learn; things are shocking weapon of foreign magic to become strange, that can not learn. ”In 1894, Japan launched the Sino-Japanese War, China this “Japan by this ” small country “defeat. For 120 years, people have been reflecting on the reasons for the defeat. Ma Yong said: ”As an oriental nation, Japan is a latecomer to the powerful feast of the modern world. Because of its lateness, it is greedy. Because of its greed, the forerunner of the feast welcomes the joining of this Eastern Brothers and, on the other hand, reluctance Seeing this latecomer vandalism viciously expanded, its over-greed makes the Western powers very uneasy. "
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