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灵台县独店职业中学,经过十余年的努力,在灵台县乃至平凉职业教育系统树起了一面旗帜。它的发展无不凝结着校长曹天昌的心血和汗水。今年40出头的曹天昌,毕业于西北师大文学院硕士研究生班。12年前,他出任灵台县独店职中校长。当时学校条件差、摊子烂、经费缺、生源少。他贷款修建了15间教职工宿舍,改善办学条件,并开办8个专业班,拉开了他从事职业教育的帷幕。他曾为一个生源跑两三趟,风雨无阻,直到学生们走进职中的课堂。多年来,他累计向上争取办学经费30多万元,与省内8所院校建立联合办学关系,确保了职教顺利发展。在艰难中跋涉,在自我加压中奋进,曹天昌一步一个脚印,找到了职业技术教育与经济建设的有效结合点。走出了“巩固发展校内、辐射扩大校外,长抓教育,短抓培训,重抓实用,注重技能,扩大 Lingtai County single-store vocational school, after more than ten years of hard work, in Lingtai County and even Pingliang occupation education system has set a banner. Its development all condenses the effort and sweat of the principal Cao Tianchang. Cao Tianchang 40 this year, graduated from Northwestern Normal University Graduate School of Arts class. Twelve years ago, he served as the principal of Lingtai County’s exclusive shop. At that time, poor school conditions, stalls rot, lack of funding, fewer students. He borrowed 15 faculty quarters to improve conditions for running schools and opened eight specialized classes, opening up his career in vocational education. He had run two or three times for a source, unhindered until the students walked into the middle class. Over the years, he has accumulated more than 300,000 yuan in funding for running schools and established a joint school-running relationship with 8 institutions in the province to ensure the smooth development of vocational education. In the difficult journey, advance in self-pressurization, Cao Tianchang step by step, to find a vocational education and economic construction of the effective combination of points. Out of ”to consolidate and develop the school, radiating expansion of the school, long-term education, short training, focusing on practical, focus on skills and expand
他乡变故乡 胡静是云南楚雄人。小学6年级时,中央民院到楚雄招生,这个有主见的小姑娘瞒着父母去报了名。即使考不上被笑话,也不能放弃跳舞的乐趣。她当时就只有这一个念头。
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