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随着印度利用高硫石油焦煅烧熟料工艺的日益发展,Ulstratech Cement Ltd系统研究了使用高硫石油焦煅烧对熟料质量和水化的影响。研究发现,使用硫含量6.5%的石油焦煅烧得到的熟料,硫含量为1.8%,且硫酸盐包含于硅酸盐相中,并占34%~35%,石膏的硫则进 With the growing use of high-sulfur petroleum coke calcined clinker in India, Ulstratech Cement Ltd studied the effect of high-sulfur petroleum coke calcination on clinker quality and hydration. The study found that the use of 6.5% sulfur content of petroleum coke calcined obtained clinker, the sulfur content of 1.8%, and the sulfate is contained in the silicate phase, and 34% to 35%, gypsum sulfur
复方丹参注射液具有活血化瘀理气开窍的功能 ,临床多用于心绞痛、心肌梗塞等的治疗 ,其不良反应较少见 ,而引起过敏性休克未见报道 ,现将我们遇到的 1例报告如下 :患者 ,男性
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The purpose of this study was to assess fetal subcutaneous fat and lean mass areas as predictors of fetal growth restriction. Seventeen severe fetal growth re
To describe a case of a unicornuate uterus with a normal external uterine morphology. Case report. University based fertility center. A 30- year- old nulligra
目的检测19~38周胎儿血液免疫球蛋白IGM水平,为胎儿宫内感染性疾病诊断提供理论依据。方法 B超引导下经母腹脐静脉穿刺胎儿脐静脉血,应用日立7170全自动生化分析仪对胎儿血液
Objective: Our aim was to study whether universal screening of all pregnant women by Oral Glucose Challenge Test (OGCT) would identify a higher number of women
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