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由警官教育出版社出版的《面向新闻界》一书,读后我不禁茅塞顿开。我是一家企业报的新闻工作者,因为没有系统学习过新闻理论,又缺少实际锻炼,对于新闻写作。有不少疑惑。举个例子:前年,我根据正反两方面的事例。写了一篇题为《改革可克千难万难》的文章。朋友们直言相告:这篇文章很难发表。写为什么要改革,不改革就没有出路的文章,一个企业报的新闻工作者是写不好的。言外之意,就是我有点自不量力。然而,这篇文章在我们《涟邵工人报》上刊登以后,《湖南日报》也很快发表了,而且在读者中引起了意想不到的反响。文章中引用的事例。成了人们茶余饭后的谈话资料。后来,这篇文章还获得了全国煤炭系统年度好新闻奖。 The Press for the Press, published by the Police Education Press, can not be stopped immediately after reading. I am a journalist in a corporate newspaper because I did not systematically study the theory of journalism and I lacked practical training for journalistic writing. There are many doubts. For example: Two years ago, I was based on both positive and negative examples. Wrote an essay entitled “Reform can overcome difficulties and difficulties” article. My friends tell you the truth: This article is hard to post. To write an article about why reform is needed and if there is no way out for reform, an enterprise journalist can not write well. The implication is that I am a bit unscrupulous. However, after this article was published in our Lianshao Workers’ Daily newspaper, the Hunan Daily was published soon and caused unexpected repercussions among its readers. Examples cited in the article. Became a gossip conversation information. Later, this article won the National Good News Award for the Coal System of the Year.