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自治区档案局、自治区档案馆成立于1959年4月。2001年机构改革中合并为一个机构,挂内蒙古自治区档案局、内蒙古自治区档案馆两块牌子,机构规格正厅级,由自治区党委办公厅管理。按照档案法规政策,履行全区档案工作统筹规划,监督、指导、组织、协调教育培训和省级国家综合档案馆两种职能。自治区档案馆馆藏历史档案主要有,清代档案内蒙古各盟旗扎萨克衙门、都统、副都统衙门、督办蒙旗垦务大臣行辕及内蒙古东部区垦务档案汇集等。民国档 Autonomous Region Archives Bureau, Autonomous Region Archives was established in April 1959. In 2001 the institutional reform merged into an institution, linked Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Archives, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Archives two brands, institutional specifications at the main hall level, by the autonomous regional party committee office management. In accordance with the archives regulations and policies, fulfill the overall planning of the archives work in the region, supervision, guidance, organization, coordination of education and training and the provincial level two functions of the National Archives. Autonomous Region archives include the main historical archives, the files of the Qing dynasty, Inner Mongolia alliance flag Zhaxac Yamen, Du Tong, vice capital of the Yamen, supervision of Mengqi Reclamation Minister Xingyuan and Inner Mongolia Eastern Reclamation Archives and so on. Republic of China file
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