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这里给大家介绍的女测量员、共产党员胡梅英同志,是一个为了革命,为了建设祖国,不畏艰险,不怕困难,不怕流血牺牲的女青年。她有孩子的牵累,有家庭的阻拦,有病痛的折磨,以及女同志特有的生理特点造成在野外工作的种种不便,但是这都被她克服了,都不能动摇她的革命意志。有人认为有个安逸的工作环境,有个舒适的家庭生活,那才是最美最幸福。但是胡梅英同志都以伟大的无产阶级的革命思想驱除了渺小的个人主义思想,认为积极投身到三大革命的火热斗争中去才是最大的幸福。她对自己采取了严格要求,高标准的要求。十二年来,她遵循毛主席的教导,与天斗,与地斗,与人斗,辛勤地劳动着,顽强地坚守在野外勘测的第一线。胡梅英同志之所以能不被儿女情长之类所拖连,能排除万难,坚持外业工作,这与她对社会主义事业的无限热爱、无限感情,与她活学活用毛主席著作是分不开的。站在租国建设前线的青年们,都要以胡梅英同志为榜样,树壮志,抒豪情,挑起革命重担,把自己从事的每一项具体工作,与毛泽东同志的伟大战略思想联系起来,摆脱一切低级趣味,为中国革命、世界革命而奋斗。 The female surveyor and Communist Party member Comrade Hu Meiying, who is here to introduce you, is a young woman who has sacrificed her blood and sacrificed her life for the sake of building the motherland, not afraid of difficulties and difficulties, and is not afraid of difficulties. Her childish involvement, family blockage, affliction, and lesbian-specific physical traits create inconvenience of working in the wild, but this has all been overcome by her and she can not shake her revolutionary will. Some people think there is a comfortable working environment, there is a comfortable family life, that is the most beautiful and happiest. However, Comrade Hu Meiying used the great revolutionary idea of ​​the proletariat to extricate the insular individualist thinking and believed that it is their greatest happiness to actively join the fiery struggle of the three big revolutions. She took strict demands on themselves, a high standard of requirements. In the past 12 years, following the teachings of Chairman Mao, she has strenuously adhered to the forefront of field surveys with her courage and struggle with earth and with her people. The reason why Comrade Hu Mei-ying can not be dragged by the kind of children and adolescents can eliminate all difficulties and persist in his work in the field of work. This is in line with her infinite love for the cause of socialism and unlimited affection, It’s open. The young people standing at the forefront of renting a country should take Comrade Hu Mei- ying as their example and show their aspirations in order to express their pride and provoke the burden of the revolution and to link each concrete task they themselves have with Comrade Mao Tse-tung’s great strategic thinking All low-grade fun, for the Chinese revolution, the world revolution and struggle.
“英名盖世三叉口,杰作惊天十字坡。” 这副为人熟稔的对联,浪漫而真实地概括了已故京剧表演大师盖叫天的艺术业绩和历史地位。他虽早早离开了人世,但他的艺术创造精神和遗留的
随着高职院校招生规模的不断扩大和学费的不断增长,贫困生群体也在日益扩大,且已成为各院校和社会关注的焦点。虽然经过多年的努力,我国高职院校已经初步 With the continuo