Effects of meal Intervention combined with walking on exercise ability and physique of middle - aged

来源 :中国营养学会第十三届全国营养科学大会暨全球华人营养科学家大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xsyangle
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  Objective To investigate the effects of vigorous walking and diet intervention on exercise capacity and physical fitness of middle-aged and elderly people.Methods According to the different physical condition of the middle - aged and old people,the data were divided into 93m / min,100m / min,107m / min,110m / min,114m / min 5 by comparing their own before and after the test.Blood pressure,heart rate,heart rate,body weight,waist circumference,hip circumference,systolic blood pressure,diastolic blood pressure,heart rate,BMI and other data were collected in the intervention group with the maximum exercise load of 50 %.
Methods In collaborating with a state-wide organization which focuses on addressing food insecurity,an academic lecture was developed to teach 100 undergraduate nursing students enrolled in a Gerontol
目的 血根碱(sanguinarine)是从博落回中分离出来的异喹啉类生物碱,现有研究表明具有抗菌、杀虫、调节免疫力、抗肿瘤等广泛的生物学活性,但血根碱在辐射防护中的作用如何还不清楚,本研究探讨血根碱(sanguinarine,SAN)对全身照射小鼠肠损伤防护作用及其机制研究。
目的 CGRP对心脏的有着重要的作用:即使心肌具有正性变力变时的作用、使心率加快、心肌收缩力增强、心输出量增加.同时CGRP能促进内皮细胞的增生,有利于血管内膜的修复,维持内皮的完整性,并加速血管内皮化,预防动脉粥样硬化.CGRP在运动性心肌肥大的形成过程中具有重要的调节作用.
Purpose By observing the effects of procyanidines and exercise on the expression of immune factors and NFκB signaling molecule in rats,the molecular mechanism of the regulation of procyanidines and ex
目的 通过对大鼠进行长期大强度运动和鼠李糖乳杆菌的干预,观察小肠5-HT代谢相关指标的变化,发现运动应激与小肠之间的联系,并且探讨益生菌的补充在运动领域中应用的问题.方法 SD 大鼠40 只随机分为安静对照组、运动对照组、安静营养组、运动营养组.
目的 运动员在进行大运动量运动后会出现运动性疲劳,合理的营养补充可以有效地环节运动员的疲劳状态继续接下来的高强度训练.已有研究证实,原花青素可以缓解人体疲劳.本研究通过研究在大鼠3周递增负荷强度跑台训练过程中补充原花青素,观察大鼠脑组织内MDA、5-HT的变化,探究补充原花青素能否降低大强度训练后大鼠脑组织MDA以及5-HT水平,促进恢复.
目的 射击运动的项目特点是静力性为主,要求运动员不仅有熟练的持枪感觉,还要有稳定且持久的神经肌肉控制能力,运动员身心及大脑的稳定性是竞技状态的重中之重.磷脂酰丝氨酸(phosphatidylserine,简称PS)是一类普遍存在于细胞膜内层,与一系列的膜功能有关且唯一能够调控细胞膜关键蛋白功能状态的磷脂,目前已广泛应用于医药及保健领域,且被证明能够平衡大脑功能.
目的 了解当前重庆市渝东南少数民族聚居地成年人的饮食与运动行为现状.方法 对抽取的重庆市渝东南少数民族聚居地三个区县(武隆县、黔江区和彭水苗族土家族自治县)的291名成年人进行饮食与运动行为现状问卷调查,该问卷基于《中国居民膳食指南(2016)》自行设计.采用SAS9.1 软件进行描述性统计分析.
Objective Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the second most common cause of death from cancer worldwide.PortulacaOleraceaL.has been issued by the World Health Organizationnot only as an edible plant,b
Objective PortulacaOleraceaL.,a widely distributed weed,has been used as an edible health care in China.It has been reported thatinflammation plays a pivotal role in the development and progression of