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[期刊论文] 作者:, 来源:Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences 年份:2015
scientific organization that promotes biophysics research and education in the region,has appointed YAN...
[期刊论文] 作者:隆云, 郭清华, 刘大为, 张小江, 宋连燕, 何怀武,, 来源:协和医学杂志 年份:2015
目的比较泛耐药鲍曼不动杆菌(pan-drug resistant Acinetobacter baumannii,PDRAB)菌血症与非泛耐药鲍曼不动杆菌(non-pan-drug resistant...
[期刊论文] 作者:, 来源:Science Foundation in China 年份:2015
With the support of the National Natural Science Foundation of China,Prof.Yan Hong’s laboratory at the...
[学位论文] 作者:殷鹏, 来源: 年份:2015
[期刊论文] 作者:季陈熙, 来源:校园英语(下旬) 年份:2015
[期刊论文] 作者:Yi CHEN,, 来源:Comparative Literature:East & West 年份:2015
Shaodang Yan was born in September 1940.Admitted into Department of Chinese Language and Literature of...
[期刊论文] 作者:茆慧玲,孙浩楠,, 来源:哈尔滨师范大学自然科学学报 年份:2015
[会议论文] 作者:程永鑫,贺连龙, 来源:2015年全国电子显微学学术会议 年份:2015
[期刊论文] 作者:Hongwei YUAN, 来源:亚洲农业研究:英文版 年份:2015
From October 1935 when the Central Red Army arrived in northern Shaanxi to March 1948 when the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China crossed the Yel...
[期刊论文] 作者:Shi Zhuanzhuan, 来源:学术界 年份:2015
[期刊论文] 作者:, 来源:学生天地·小学低年级版 年份:2015
[期刊论文] 作者:孙习尧, 来源:小天使·一年级语数英综合 年份:2015
放fànɡ暑shǔ假jià了le,我wǒ在zài家jiā写xiě作zuò业yè,忽hū然rán觉jué得de口kǒu渴kě,可kě是shì妈mā妈mɑ不bú在zài家jiā,家jiā里lǐ的de水shuǐ...只zhǐ好hǎo自zì己jǐ烧shāo点diǎn水shuǐ吧bɑ。  我wǒ拿ná水shuǐ壶hú接jiē了le一yì些xiē水shuǐ,...
[期刊论文] 作者:Wieslaw Klimczak, 来源:国际交流:英文版 年份:2015
Honorable Ms.Yan Junqi President of CAFIU Beijing Respected Madame President!...
[期刊论文] 作者:Gallant Kar Lun Chan,Zack Chun, 来源:化妆品、皮肤病及应用期刊(英文) 年份:2015
Edible bird’s nest (EBN;Yan Wo), or cubilose, is originated from the salivary secretion of Aerodramus...
[期刊论文] 作者:Diana M.Thomas,Andrew Brown,John A Dawson,Peng Li,Steven B.Heymsfield,David B.Allison, 来源:世界针灸杂志(英文版) 年份:2015
rnGiven the tremendous need for effective weight loss treatments,we read with interest the paper by Yan...
[期刊论文] 作者:pan pan,, 来源:电影世界 年份:2015
[期刊论文] 作者:Fang Yan Paperback,436 pages Published by New Star Press in Beijing in November 2013HAVE you ever wondered what Beijing might have looked like before it was covered with skyscrapers,overpasses,giganti, 来源:China Today 年份:2015
Pictures of Old Beijing Living Memories of the Ancient Capital Author:Fang Yan Paperback,436 pages Published...
[期刊论文] 作者:Dominique De Villepin,, 来源:外交(英文版) 年份:2015
speak at the World Peace Forum of Tsinghua University.Over the years,this Forum initiated by Professor Yan...
[会议论文] 作者:Yang Yang,Shu Gao, 来源:第十六届海峡两岸地形学研讨会 年份:2015
River mouth, is a typical coastal low land with abundant material supplied from the Yellow and the Yan...
[期刊论文] 作者:Huang Du,, 来源:China Population Today 年份:2015
During 1999-2001,Ge Pengren,professor of Oil Painting Department of Central Academy of Fine Arts opened a research and study course on contemporary arts.In...