
来源 :锻压技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sketchupbim
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针对广泛用于油气管道阀门、航空发动机机匣及结合环中的锥台复合截面环件较难同时获得所需的直径尺寸和台阶形状的问题,提出“等壁厚型”和“变壁厚型”两种环坯设计方法。借助ABAQUS模拟平台,建立两种轧制环坯设计下的锥台复合截面环件轧制过程的有限元仿真模型,分析两种环坯轧制过程中的台阶充型规律及最终的成形环件尺寸误差。结果表明,“变壁厚型”环坯比“等壁厚型”环坯轧制成形后尺寸精度高。为获得最优的尺寸精度,在“变壁厚型”环坯设计基础上,添加尺寸修正系数η。通过对比不同修正系数η下的环坯轧制成形尺寸精度,得出尺寸修正系数η在1<η<1.1范围内的“变壁厚型”环坯为最优环件轧制毛坯。基于模拟结果,在WD51Y-250多功能轧环机上进行锥台复合截面环件轧制实验,验证有限元模拟的可靠性和环坯设计方案的可行性。 For the widely used in oil and gas pipelines valves, aero-engine casing and the combination of the cone ring cross-section of the ring is more difficult to obtain the required diameter size and shape of the step, the proposed “wall thickness type” and “ Variable wall thickness type ”two kinds of ring blank design method. Based on the ABAQUS simulation platform, two finite element simulation models of the rolling process of the cone-section composite section ring under the rolling ring blank design were established. The filling rules of the two steps in the ring rolling process and the final forming ring Size error. The results show that the high dimensional accuracy of “variable wall thickness type” ring blanks after “billet” rolling can be obtained. In order to obtain the best dimensional accuracy, add the size correction factor η based on the design of “variable wall thickness type” ring blanks. By comparing the forming precision of the ring billet with different correction coefficient η, it is found out that the ring rolling billet with the size correction coefficient η in the range of 1 <η <1.1 is the optimum ring rolling. Based on the simulation results, the rolling experiment of the cone section composite section ring was carried out on the WD51Y-250 multi-function rolling ring machine to verify the reliability of the finite element simulation and the feasibility of the design of the ring blank.
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