Effect of Soliton Propagation in Fiber Amplifiers

来源 :Semiconductor Photonics and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ciissyma
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The propagation of optical solitons in fiber amplifiers is discussed by considering a model that includes linear high order dispersion, two photon absorption, nonlinear high order dispersion, self induced Ramam and five order nonlinear effects. Based on travelling wave method, the solutions of the nonlinear Schr dinger equations, and the influence on soliton propagation as well as high order effect in the fiber amplifier are discussed in detail. It is found that because of existing five order nonlinear effect, the solution is not of secant hyperbola type, but shows high gain state of the fiber amplifier which is very favourable to the propagation of solitons. The propagation of optical solitons in fiber amplifiers is discussed by considering a model that includes linear high order dispersion, two photon absorption, nonlinear high order dispersion, self induced Ramam and five order nonlinear effects. Based on traveling wave method, the solutions of the nonlinear Schr dinger equations, and the influence on soliton propagation as well as high order effect in the fiber amplifier are discussed in detail. It is found that because of existing fifth order nonlinear effect, the solution is not of secant hyperbola type, but shows high gain state of the fiber amplifier which is very favourable to the propagation of solitons.
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