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谈起皮具五金行业,谈起都乐的发展,许泽涛底气十足。他之所以有底气,不外乎两点:其一,他较早涉足腰带扣生产,在此领域内打拼深耕多年,比谁都熟悉行业的走势和市场的规律,对企业该往哪里走、该怎么走非常清晰;其二,他在这个行业拥有深厚的积淀,经过30多年的努力,已经培育出了独特的技术优势。在许泽涛看来,其实一切也很简单:专注于你所在的行业,摒弃浮躁,做顾客想要的产品,并将其做到精致、极致,成功离你也就不远了。 Talking about the leather hardware industry, talking about the development of Dole, Xu Zetao is full of confidence. He is emboldened by two things: First, he was involved in belt buckle production earlier and worked hard in this field for many years. Compared with everyone, he is familiar with the trend of the industry and the laws of the market, where companies should go, It is very clear what to do. Second, he has a profound accumulation in this industry. After more than 30 years of hard work, he has cultivated unique technical advantages. In Xu Zetao’s view, in fact, everything is also very simple: focus on your industry, abandon the impetuous, do what the customer wants, and make it exquisite, the ultimate success is not far away from you.
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意大利Mossi Ghisolfi集团(M&G)的子公司M&G化学公司于2017年4月21日宣布,预计其位于美国德克萨斯州科珀斯克里斯蒂的聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PET)装置将于2017年中期全面投产
据行业报刊介绍,邓禄普轮胎已于日前凭借其卓越品质率先完成首批中国轮胎分级标签认证,其节能环保型轮胎ENASAVE EC300+以及综合实用型轮胎在1月顺利通过审核,将于近期进行标
江苏省张家港市人武部结合学习五中全会精神在全体干部职工中开展了以“四查四看”为内容的思想作风整顿,为推动全市民兵预备役工作再上新台阶打下了良好基础。 去年10月18