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近来经济领域“哈赛现象”的出现,引起了人们一阵不小的反响。“哈赛现象”究竟告诉了我们什么呢?这是当前关注我国全民企业改革的人们都应当认真思考的话题。“哈赛”的全称是哈尔滨赛格电子公司,其前身是哈尔滨无线电四厂,这是一家始建于1958年,并成功地研制生产出我国第一台袖珍半导体收音机的厂家。但由于近年来新产品开发跟不上市场需求,老产品大量积压,从1985年起企业连年亏损,到90年已累计欠银行贷款1100万元,资不抵债,濒临破产。在过一严峻形势下,哈尔滨市政府决定把该厂租赁给深圳赛格集团,更名为“哈赛公司”,引进特区的企业管理模式,转换企业经营机制。企业被租赁改组后仅八个月,就实现产值1387万元,比租赁前增长126%,销售收入780万元,增长23.8倍,多创利税146万多元。1991年,企业完成产值5006万元,销售收入3000万元,利润202万元,分 The recent appearance of the “Hasai phenomenon” in the economic field has caused a burst of repercussions. What exactly does the “Hasyay phenomenon” tell us? This is a topic that people who are concerned about the reform of China’s entire public enterprise should seriously think about. The full name of Harbin is Harbin SEG Electronics. Its predecessor was Harbin Radio IV Factory. This was a company that was founded in 1958 and successfully developed and produced China’s first pocket semiconductor radio. However, due to new product development that has not kept pace with market demand in recent years, a large backlog of old products has caused enterprises to lose money year after year from 1985. By the end of 1990, they have already owed bank loans of 11 million yuan, which is insolvent and on the verge of bankruptcy. After a severe situation, the Harbin Municipal Government decided to lease the plant to Shenzhen SEG Group and renamed it as “Hasai Company” to introduce the business management model of the special zone and transform the operating mechanism of the enterprise. Only eight months after the company was leased and restructured, it achieved a production value of 13.87 million yuan, an increase of 126% from the pre-leasing period, and a sales revenue of 7.8 million yuan, an increase of 23.8 times, and an additional profit of 1.46 million yuan. In 1991, the company completed an output value of 50.06 million yuan, sales income of 30 million yuan, and profit of 2.02 million yuan.
本文主要叙述了该炉的技术特点,燃用福建无烟煤的运行情况,改造措施 和效果。 This article mainly describes the technical features of the furnace, burning Fujian
本文介绍了测桩仪的接收增益,模拟滤波的选择及柱头处理,波的激发所采取的措施等,以达到提高桩基检测质量的目的。 In this paper, the receiving gain of the pile-tester, th
Q&A Q1:你觉得自己最像金庸小说里的谁?A:我只在小时候看过由金庸小说改编的电视剧,还是不完全的几集。剧中人物不是很熟悉。不过,我去过云南的天龙八部影视城,很喜欢乔峰。