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这次招聘真的很顺利,递交了自荐书后,笔试也只是很简单的考了文秘知识,便接到了面试通知书。待赶到公司,才明白面试的人很多。在就业机会本就不多的大气候下,挺热的岗位,公司开出的薪水很诱人,何况总裁办主任的职位本身就很具诱惑力。但不知什么原因,公司招聘启示开出的条件却不高:普通高校本科自学考试都可以,更没有名牌高校或是硕士博士要求。人多也在情理之中的,我安慰自己。于是,根据公司的安排,大家坐在公司的一个小礼堂候试。8点刚过,公司人事部门负责招考的人说:“根据总裁安排,上午听人事部介绍公司的情况,下午进行面试。”接着,人事部的那个戴眼镜的从公司创办第一天开始滔滔不绝地说开了,我都怀疑是不是公司趁机做宣传。出于礼貌,很多人开始还能静静地听,可越讲越罗嗦。更要命的是不一会儿,象是得了传染病,手机 The recruitment is really smooth, submitted a self-recommendation book, the written examination is only a very simple test of the secret knowledge, they received an interview notice. To be rushed to the company, understand the interview a lot of people. In a climate of limited job opportunities, very hot jobs make the company attractive, and the job of chief executive is very tempting. However, for some reason, the hiring conditions of the company’s hiring guidance are not high: undergraduate self-study examinations in ordinary colleges and universities can be more effective, and there is no requirement for famous universities or master doctorates. Many people are also reasonable, I comfort myself. So, according to the company’s arrangement, we sit in the company’s small hall to try. Just after 8 o’clock, the person in charge of recruiting in the personnel department of the company said: “According to the president’s arrangement, I heard the personnel department introduce the company in the morning and conducted the interview in the afternoon.” Then, the personnel department’s glasses-wearing company started its first day with surging Say never say, I doubt whether the company took the opportunity to do publicity. Out of courtesy, many people began to still quietly listen, the more you can speak more wordy. Even worse is not like a moment, like a contagious disease, cell phone
《中国劳动经济学》是专门介绍和发表劳动就业问题的出版物。由中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济研究所与华南师范大学经济管理学院共同主办。我们旨在通过这个平台 ,广泛动员国
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目的 :从荆芥中提取挥发油 ,并测定其含量。方法 :运用微波技术提取荆芥中的挥发油 ,利用重量法进行含量测定。结果 :测得荆芥中挥发油的含量为 1 2 3 0 5 %。结论 :首次运用
通过计算机教学的现状、计算机教学培养学生动手实践能力的方法及意义,推动计算机教学的关注点向以学生动手能力培养为中心的层面上来,推动计算机教育的长足发展。 Through
初一的时候,我不是一个很出众的女孩子,短短的头发,小小的个子,穿着灰扑扑的校服,因为不瘦,最多只能博得一个“可爱”的名声,成绩固然称得上优秀,却也因为不太会“来事儿”而多少显得格格不入。  初中的时候,有过一个好朋友,长得像春日树上绽开的水灵灵的桃花,眉眼里满是姹紫嫣红,笑起来妩媚极了。她性格开朗、爱笑、爱聊天,泼辣又不失可爱,经常有人围绕在她周围。我也是其中之一。  那时候不懂什么叫好朋友,只是
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应用等离子体发射光谱法分析了中药蝼蛄中的微量元素含量 ,对其与临床药效的相关性进行了分析。测定结果表明 ,蝼蛄具有比一般利尿中药更高的钾元素含量 ,与其他抗癌中药相比
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