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Cervical spondylopathy, also known as cervical syndrome, is a commonly encountered disease in the middle-aged and elderly people. This disease mostly results fr
<正> 那些聪明的说客们充分利用了美国选举政治和部分人士对中国日益增多的不满,因此,白宫在未来一年将有许多机会对中国实施贸易限制。贸易战将造成市场动荡,打击那些对进口
Zhang, a boy of aged 4 years from Changsa, was administered to our hospital on December 10, 1997 due to claudication (left foot) with pain for 2 months. Examina
In this study, 144 cases of biliary colic were treated by injecting Atropine in the auricu-lar points (Liver, Gallbladder). Among the 144 cases, 130 cases were
Inthepastseveralyears,theauthorsofthepresent paperadoptedcombinedmethodsofacupunctureandChinesemedicinalherbstotreat5 0casesoffacialparalysisandachievedagoodresult.GENERALDATAOfthe 5 0cases,theyoungestwas1 3years,theoldest 5 3yearsandthemeanage 33years.Pa