
来源 :中国老区建设 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zsmslife
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在我国三大国策中,耕地保护是根据我国人多地少这一特有的国情制定的重大国策。作为当代中国农民,除应树立环保意识、计划生育意识之外,更应树立土地资源保护意识。可喜的是,随着近年来土地资源保护宣传工作的到位,农民“做资源保护的主人”的新风尚已开始形成。下面就是这种新风尚的几个侧面。“婚育造田”树新风结婚、生孩子是人生大事。每逢这类喜事,人们往往要庆贺一番。在我国广大农村,结婚生子又常伴随着大吃大喝、铺张浪费等陋习。如何改变这一不良习惯,把这类喜庆大事办得更有意义呢?近年来我国部分地区的农民已对此作了非常有益的尝试。如河南省登封市王村乡和徐庄乡的做法就值得赞赏。这两个乡在几年前定了一个制度,凡乡里人结婚、生小孩,都要 Among the three major national policies in our country, the protection of arable land is a major national policy formulated in light of the unique national conditions in which we have fewer people and less land. As a peasant in contemporary China, in addition to establishing a sense of environmental protection and family planning, we should also establish a sense of protecting land resources. The good news is that with the promulgation of land resources protection in place in recent years, peasants have begun to form a new trend of becoming the masters of resource conservation. Here are some aspects of this new style. “Marriage and child husbandry field ” tree Fresh wind married, having children is a major event in life. During this kind of wedding, people tend to celebrate it. In the vast rural areas of our country, marriage and children are often accompanied by eating, drinking and other bad habits. How to change this bad habit and make such a festive event even more meaningful? In recent years, peasants in some areas of our country have made very useful attempts. Such as Dengfeng City, Henan Province, Wang Village and Xu Zhuang’s practice is commendable. These two townships set a system a few years ago where all the people in the village got married and gave birth to children
Two cowboys are riding their horses together on the prairie.They come upon a big pile of manure.The first cowboy goes to the second,“I will bet you a$1,000 tha
1. I’ll call you and tell you about it as soon as I . (make)  我一决定就打电话告诉你们。  2. The article warns that British children by a junk culture of processed food, computer games and over-competitive educati
老师让同学们用“有……有……还有……”造句。  一位同学是这样写的—奶奶煮的饭很好吃,我问奶奶还有吗,奶奶说:“有,有,还有!”
小学英语作业是课堂教学的延续和深化,是学生课外学习英语的重要手段,可以帮助学生巩固所学知识,提高实际运用能力。本文从作者教学实践出发,探讨小学英语作业的教学。 Prim
作文教学往往令教师头痛,小学生作文要么满篇空话,唱高调,要么一堆大白话,像记流水账。那么,我们如何进行小学生作文起步教学呢? Composition teaching is often a headache