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四川省的档案工作者,坚决要当好促进派,貢獻出所有力量,为社会主义全面大躍进服务。目前全省已湧現出不少学先进、赶先进的躍进單位。这些單位已經展开了突击整理积存另散文件和旧政权档案的热潮。“二人工作一人干,苦战一百天,整理二十万;决心加干勁,保質又保量;干到十月,整好八年卷。”这是粮食厅的全体档案工作者提出的战斗口号。他們为了实现这个战斗口号,把組卷指标由每人每日三百件,提高到八百件,爭取达到并超过一千件。由于苦學苦鑽,有的同志现已突破每日整理八百件的指标。省邮电管理局档案室的同志提出,要奋勇直前,力爭上游,提前在第二季度內完成三十万件积存文件的整理任务,并做好建 Archivists in Sichuan Province are determined to be good promoters, contribute all their power and serve for the comprehensive leap forward of socialism. At present, many advanced and progressive leap units have emerged in the province. These units have embarked on an upsurge of assaulting and consolidating archives of scattered files and old regime files. The two work one person to work hard, fighting one hundred days and finishing 200,000; determination to add energy, quality and quantity; dry until October, the whole eight years of volume. "This is the food court all the archivists put forward Fighting slogan In order to realize this fighting slogan, they raised the index of the test paper rolls from three hundred pieces per person per day to eight hundred pieces and reached over one thousand pieces. Due to hard work and study, some comrades have now exceeded the daily target of finishing 800 articles. The comrades of the archives office of the provincial post and telecommunications administration proposed that they should make every effort to go all out and strive for the upper reaches and complete the task of arranging and arranging 300,000 accumulated documents in the second quarter ahead of schedule.
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Current workflow management systems usually adopt the existing technologies such as TCP/IP-based Web technologies and CORBA as well to fulfill the bottom commun
哈尔科夫拖拉机厂联合公司最近研制了一种MT—ЛБ改进型装甲车,以满足21世纪战争对装甲车机动力、火力和防护力的要求。 MT-ЛБ多功能履带式装甲车由乌克兰哈尔科夫拖拉机
DIY是什么?DIY是“Do It Yourself”的英文缩写。最初兴起于电脑的拼装,逐渐演绎成为一种流行生活方式。简单来说,DIY就是自己动手制作,没有专业资质的限制,想做就做。使每个
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