
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(胃肠病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lvangis
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Background. Instruments for measuring the presence and severity of specific irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms, comparable to those used in Western countries, have been lacking in Japan. The aim of this study was to develop, validate, and confirm the reliability of the Japanese version of the Rome Ⅱ modular questionnaire for IBS (RⅡMQ-J) and the IBS severity index (IBSSI-J). Methods. Forty-nine patients in the university hospital with chronic or recurrent abdominal pain and discomfort and/or altered bowel habits were enrolled. With Rome Ⅱ criteria, 27 patients were diagnosed as having IBS, and the other 22 patients were evaluated as having other functional bowel disorders (FBDs). The English versions of RⅡ MQ and IBS SI were translated into Japanese. After back-translation and approval of the questionnaire, subjects completed both questionnaires twice within 14 days. Results. Cronbach’s alpha of the RⅡ MQ-J was high (0.72). The sensitivity of RⅡ MQ-J for the diagnosis of IBS was also high (89%). The specificity of RⅡ MQ-J for denial of IBS among patients with other FBD was satisfactory (73%). The IBS SIJ showed high internal consistency (0.69) and reproducibility (intraclass correlation coefficient, 0.86, P < 0.001). Conclusions. The RⅡ MQ-J and IBS SI-J are valid, reliable, and appropriate instruments for detecting and assessing the severity of IBS status in Japanese patients. Background. Instruments for measuring the presence and severity of specific irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms, comparable to those used in Western countries, have been lacking in Japan. The aim of this study was to develop, validate, and confirm the reliability of the Japanese version of the Rome II modular questionnaire for IBS (RIIMQ-J) and the IBS severity index (IBSSI-J). Methods. Forty-nine patients in the university hospital with chronic or recurrent abdominal pain and discomfort and / or altered bowel habits were enrolled. With Rome Ⅱ criteria, 27 patients were diagnosed with IBS, and the other 22 patients were as having other functional bowel disorders (FBDs). The English versions of RⅡ MQ and IBS SI were translated into Japanese. After back- translation and approval of the questionnaire, subjects completed both requests for twice within 14 days. Results. Cronbach’s alpha of the RII MQ-J was high (0.72). The sensitivity of RII MQ-J for the diagnosis The specificity of RII MQ-J for denial of IBS among patients with other FBD was satisfactory (73%). The IBS SIJ showed high internal consistency (0.69) and reproducibility (intraclass correlation coefficient, 0.86, P <0.001). Conclusions. The RII MQ-J and IBS SI-J are valid, reliable, and appropriate instruments for detecting and assessing the severity of IBS status in Japanese patients.
陶侃是晋朝著名的大将军,从军四十载威震疆场,虽然名声显赫,却不仅仅是靠打胜仗赢来的。陶侃为人谦虚谨慎,事无巨细,对生活中的小细节也同样用心。 有一年,陶侃在荆州任刺史,需要造一批战船,陶侃便经常去检查工作。他发现造船时,剩下许多竹头和木屑散乱地扔在地上,于是就吩咐手下人仔细地捡起储藏起来。当时有人不理解,认为堂堂刺史太小气,也有人偷偷取笑刺史大人吝啬。  “后正会,积雪始晴,听事前余雪犹湿,于是以
【摘要】作为课内阅读的延续与有效补充,可以拓展学生视野、丰富学生知识储备。农村小学语文教师应该拓展阅读渠道,为学生保驾护航。让学生通过汲取相关知识,陶冶情操。本文中笔者以为切入点,分析培养农村小学生能力的措施。  【关键词】农学小学 能力培养  【中图分类号】G623.23 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)12-0060-01  一、引言  是否掌握阅读方法直接影响知识
Goals: The aim of this study was to compare the esophageal contractions in Chagas‘disease and in idiopathic achalasia. Background: It is suggested that the eso