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1.建议设立省级少数民族地区卫生事业发展基金或专项资金。地处边境和偏远的少数民族地区,由于经济基础薄弱,条件艰苦,卫生投入严重不足,医药设备简陋,困扰和制约了民族地区卫生事业的发展。因此,有必要设立省级少数民族地区卫生事业发展基金或专项资金,用于扶持少数民旋地区发展卫生事业,体现党的民族政策。2.为使农村合作医疗制度得到健康稳定地发展,建议:①在国家未立法之前,省里先行制定地方性法规,用法律的手段保障合作医疗制度的稳定发展。②各级政府有责任和义务引导群众办好合作医疗,应把辖区内实行合作医疗纳入各级政府任期目标责任 1. It is proposed to establish a provincial-level health development fund or special fund for ethnic minority areas. Located in the border and remote ethnic minority areas, due to the weak economic foundation, difficult conditions, a serious shortage of health inputs, and poorly equipped medical equipment, it has bothered and constrained the development of health services in ethnic regions. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a provincial-level health development fund or special fund for ethnic minorities in order to support minority ethnic minorities in the development of health undertakings and reflect the party’s ethnic policy. 2. To ensure a healthy and stable development of the rural cooperative medical system, it is recommended that: (1) Prior to the country’s failure to enact legislation, the province shall first formulate local regulations and use legal means to ensure the stable development of the cooperative medical system. 2 The governments at all levels have the responsibility and obligation to guide the masses to run cooperative medical care, and the responsibility for implementing cooperative medical treatment within the jurisdiction should be included in the responsibility of the government at all levels of government.
目的 :探讨外源性CO对大鼠肺动脉平滑肌细胞迁移的影响。方法 :体外培养大鼠肺动脉平滑肌细胞 ,用外源性CO处理 2 4h、48h、72h ,检测平滑肌细胞迁移情况。结果 :2 4h、48h、
本文根据当前初中政治教学的现状,认为初中政治教学务必坚持以人为本的教学原则,进一步改善教学方法,具体可从以下四方面入手: 以激趣为导向,调动学生学习政治的积极性;构建融洽的师生关系,尊重学生在个体上的差异;坚持理论和实践相互结合的教学原则;通过互联网进一步改进教学方法。  【关键词】当前形势;初中政治教学;质量;提升方法  从客观角度而言,初中政治学科的教学主要是培养学生形成良好的道德品质,帮助学
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