
来源 :上海大学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a5477011266
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Recent research challenges in the wireless communication include the usage of diversity and efficient coding to improve data transmission quality and spectral efficiency. Space diversity uses multiple transmitting and/or receiving antennas to create independent fading channels without penalty in bandwidth efficiency. Space-time block coding is an encoding scheme for communication over Rayleigh fading channels using multiple transmitting antennas. Space-time block codes from complex orthogonal designs exist only for two transmitting antennas. This paper generalizes a new complex orthogonal space-time block code for four transmitting antennas, whose decoding complexity is very low. Simulations show that the generalized complex orthogonal space-time block code has low bit error rate, full rate and possibly large diversity.
Based on rational Bézier curves given by Ron Goldman, a new fractional rational Bézier curve was first defined in terms of fractional Bernstein bases. Moreove
An extension of the Lie algebra An-1 has been proposed [Phys. Lett. A, 2003, 310:19-24]. In this paper, the new Lie algebra was used to construct a new higher d
n-soliton-like solutions of three non-isospectral equations, the non-isospectral mKdV equation, the non-isospectral sine-Gordon equation and the non-isospectral
基金项目:英美文学课程教学改革与英语专业学生人文素养,项目编号:2017101901。  摘 要:雪莱是英国文学史上颇具才华的诗人,被誉为“诗人中的诗人”。他一生追求自由、平等,写下了大量诗篇。其中,以抒情诗最具代表性。他的博爱情怀不仅体现在对大自然的热爱,也体现在对民众疾苦的关切,以及对纯粹爱情的执着。  关键词:雪莱;抒情诗;博爱  作者简介:李珊(1985-),女,汉族,安徽安庆人,讲师,硕
Characteristics of a single-feed dual-frequency bow-tie microstrip antenna are studied. By using the variation method, simple formulas for resonant frequencies
In this paper, dynamics in the oscillations of the relative atomic population in two periodically driven and weakly coupled Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) was
Designing airfoils according to given pressure ( or velocity) distribution is one kind of free boundary problems. Free boundary condition can be coupled with th