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我们过去曾对闽产几种中药与川楝片驱治肠道蛔虫病作一比较研究,现将临床观察结果报告如下。研究方法一、研究对象:以本院二、三年级学生经一次粪检有蛔虫卵者不分年龄、性别作为治疗研究对象。二、药品种类:计用重庆中国医学科学院西南中药研究所所制的川楝片(每片0.05克),闽产的使君子,梹榔。干苦楝皮、美舌藻与驱蛔汤,福州所产新鲜的苦楝皮和南瓜子及福州制药厂出品的苦楝片(每片0.5克)。 In the past, we have conducted a comparative study on the production of several traditional Chinese medicines and Chuanxiong tablets to treat intestinal tsutsugamushi disease. The clinical observation results are reported below. Research Methods 1. Object of Study: Subjects of second and third grade students in this hospital who were examined for worm eggs by fecal examination regardless of age or sex were treated as subjects for treatment. Second, the types of drugs: the use of Chongqing Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Southwest China Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine Chuanxiong tablets (0.05 grams per tablet), the production of the gentleman, 梹榔. Dried buckwheat husks, American tongue algae and flooding soup, fresh buckwheat and pumpkin seeds produced in Fuzhou, and buckwheat tablets (0.5 grams each) produced by Fuzhou Pharmaceutical Factory.
六月暑热当令,天暑地湿,人在其中湿热交蒸,伤津耗气,肌肤腠理疏松,暑邪乘虚而入,发为暑温。 暑天新产之妇百脉空虚,易中暑邪,发为暑温。腠理闭塞无汗,高热不退,体若燔炭,进
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Background Male sex is an independent risk factor for theextent and seventy of atherosclerosis.The influence of andro-gens on foam cell formation,a key event i
美《医学世界新闻》报道:康湼狄克州大学的药物学副教授艾德华兹正在研究该州的一种花,山月桂(mountain lau The United States “Medical World News” reported that Edw
为了观察硝硫氰胺对感染血吸虫小白鼠肝脏的细胞形态学及组织化学的变化,我们进行了下列试验。 In order to observe the morphological and histochemical changes of nit