
来源 :中华劳动卫生职业病杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chongqingyy
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目的 研究乡镇水泥厂的适宜防尘技术 ,以控制尘肺病的发生。方法 采用现场和实验室相结合的综合调研方法。用示踪气体法测抽气罩的效率。按照国家标准 (GB/T 16 15 7 1996 )测定通风管道中的粉尘浓度。采用WY 1型冲击式尘粒分级仪测量各尘源排放粉尘的粉尘粒径分级组成和除尘器的粒径分级除尘效率。结果  (1)工程技术措施方面 :提出了破碎、球磨、烘干、烧窑、物料运输和包装等生产工序的适宜吸尘罩设计 (及通用图集 ) ,可有效地控制这些尘源的粉尘外溢。测定了不同工序排放烟气的特性(烟气的温度、含水量、粉尘浓度、粉尘粒径分级组成等 ) ,研究了多种除尘器的粒径分级除尘效率、阻力等 ,提出了各主要工序最适宜方案 :破碎、磨机工序除尘以旋风加滤袋或静电等 ;烘干窑除尘以旋风加静电或冲击喷雾等 ;立窑除尘以沉降室加静电等 ;包装工序除尘以滤袋或静电等。 (2 )组织措施方面 :完善了职业卫生管理系统 ,包括建立组织机构、加强职业卫生服务、开展专业技术培训和职业卫生教育。强调“有效地控制各尘源处的粉尘 ,防止其向周围扩散”是防止尘肺病发生的最有效方法。结论 提出了乡镇水泥厂的适宜综合防尘技术措施 ,可有效控制水泥尘危害 Objective To study the suitable dustproof technology of township cement factory to control the occurrence of pneumoconiosis. Methods Using a combination of field and laboratory research methods. Tracer gas method to measure the efficiency of extraction hood. According to national standards (GB / T 16 15 7 1996) Determination of the concentration of dust in the ventilation pipe. WY 1 type impact dust analyzer was used to measure the dust particle size distribution and the particle size dust removal efficiency of each dust source. Results (1) In terms of engineering measures, suitable dust cover designs (and general atlases) for production processes such as crushing, ball milling, drying, kiln firing, material handling and packaging were proposed to effectively control the dust of these dust sources Spillover. The characteristics of flue gas emission (flue gas temperature, water content, dust concentration and dust particle size classification) of different processes were measured, and the particle size classification dust removal efficiency and resistance of various dust catchers were studied. The main processes The most suitable program: crushing, grinding process dust to cyclone plus filter bag or static electricity; drying kiln dust to cyclone plus static or impact spray; shaft kiln dust settling room plus static electricity; packaging process to filter bag or static electricity Wait. (2) In terms of organizational measures: The occupational health management system has been improved, including the establishment of organizational structures, strengthening occupational health services, professional technical training and occupational health education. Emphasizing that “effective control of dust at dust sources to prevent their spread to the environment” is the most effective way to prevent the occurrence of pneumoconiosis. Conclusion Put forward the appropriate integrated dust-proof technical measures for township cement plants, which can effectively control the hazards of cement dust
近几年来 ,人们进一步认识到铅不仅具有神经毒性 ,而且还具有免疫毒性。许多动物实验及临床报告均已证实 ,铅暴露能削弱机体的抵抗力 ,使机体对细菌、病毒感染的易感性增加。
李金英说,在传说里,枫香树的树干变成了鹊宇鸟,树上的在距离凯里市市区不远的旁海镇青杠村,一座普普通通的民房里,住着一户普普通通的人,户主姓杨,一个老实巴交的苗族农民。他每天的工作很简单,做点农活,干点家务,累了抽根烟,然后帮妻子准备刺绣用的染料。事实上,老杨的妻子在黔东南甚至在贵州,都是鼎鼎有名的大师级人物。  妈妈教的老歌至今都会唱  老杨的妻子叫李金英,是国家级非物质文化遗产项目堆绣的传承人。
1.电路组成裕兴宽容VCD YX-301型开关电源电路如图1所示。主要由厚膜电路IC101(1L0380R)、开关电源变压器T102,三端取样集成电路IC103(TL431C)、光电耦合 1. Circuit Yuxing