The Sytykanskaya kimberlite pipe:Evidence from deep-seated xenoliths and xenocrysts for the evolutio

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Mantle xenoliths(>150) and concentrates from late autolithic breccia and porphyritic kimberlite from the Sytykanskaya pipe of the Alakit field(Yakutia) were analyzed by EPMA and LAM ICP methods.In P-TX-f(O_2) diagrams minerals from xenoliths show widest variations,the trends P-Fe~#-CaO,f(O_2)for minerals from porphyric kimberlites are more stepped than for xenocrysts from breccia.Ilmenite PTX points mark moving for protokimberlites from the lithosphere base(7.5 GPa) to pyroxenite lens(5-3.5 GPa) accompanied by Cr increase by AFC and creation of two trends P-Fe#OI ~ 10-12%and13-15%.The Opx-Gar-based mantle geotherm in Alakit field is close to 35 mW/m2 at 65 GPa and 600 C near Moho was determined.The oxidation state for the megacrystalline ilmenites is lower for the metasomatic associations due to reduction of protokimberlites on peridotites than for uncontaminated varieties at the lithosphere base.Highly inclined linear REE patterns with deep HFSE troughs for the parental melts of clinopyroxene and garnet xenocrysts from breccia were influenced by differentiated protokimberlite.Melts for metasomatic xenoliths reveal less inclined slopes without deep troughs in spider diagrams.Garnets reveal S-shaped REE patterns.The clinopyroxenes from graphite bearing Cr-websterites show inclined and inflected in Gd spectrums with LREE variations due to AFC differentiation.Melts for garnets display less inclined patterns and Ba-Sr troughs but enrichment in Nb-Ta-U.The~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar ages for micas from the Alakit mantle xenoliths for disseminated phlogopites reveal Proterozoic(1154 Ma) age of metasomatism in early Rodinia mantle.Veined glimmerites with richterite- like amphiboles mark ~1015 Ma plume event in Rodinia mantle.The ~600-550 Ma stage manifests final Rodinia break-up.The last 385 Ma metasomatism is protokimberlite-related. Mantle xenoliths (> 150) and concentrates from late autolithic breccia and porphyritic kimberlite from the Sytykanskaya pipe of the Alakit field (Yakutia) were analyzed by EPMA and LAM ICP methods. P-TX-f (O_2) diagrams minerals from xenoliths show widest variations, the trends P-Fe ~ # -CaO, f (O_2) for minerals from porphyric kimberlites are more than for xenocrysts from breccia.Ilmenite PTX points mark moving for protokimberlites from the lithosphere base (7.5 GPa) to pyroxenite lens (5 -3.5 GPa) by Cr increase by AFC and creation of two trends P-Fe # OI ~ 10-12% and 13-15%. The Opx-Gar-based mantle geotherm in Alakit field is close to 35 mW / m2 at 65 GPa and 600 C near Moho was determined. The oxidation state for the megacrystalline ilmenites is lower for the metasomatic associations due to reduction of protokimberlites on peridotites than for for uncontaminated varieties at the lithosphere base. Highly inclined linear REE patterns with deep HFSE troughs for the parental melts of clino pyroxene and garnet xenocrysts from breccia were influenced by differentiated protokimberlite. Melts for metasomatic xenoliths reveal less inclined slopes without deep troughs in spider diagrams. Garnets reveal S-shaped REE patterns. clinopyroxenes from graphite bearing Cr-websterites show inclined and inflected in Gd spectrums with LREE variations due to AFC differentiation. Melts for garnets display less inclined patterns and Ba-Sr troughs but enrichment in Nb-Ta-U.The ~ (40) Ar / ~ (39) Ar ages for micas from the Alakit mantle xenoliths for disseminated phlogopites reveal Proterozoic (1154 Ma) age of metasomatism in early Rodinia mantle. Veined glimmerites with richterite-like amphiboles mark ~ 1015 Ma plume event in Rodinia mantle. ~ 600-550 Ma stage manifests final Rodinia break-up. last 385 Ma metasomatism is protokimberlite-related.
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【教学目标】  1.让学生在探索研究的过程中进一步掌握除数是一位数的除法的计算方法,会计算三位数除以一位数的笔算除法。  2.使学生养成认真计算的好习惯,培养学生爱数学