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加强思想品德教育是当前体育课教学改革中大家所关注的重要问题之一。本文从贯彻党的德智体全面发展的教育方针的高度,结合体育课教学的特点,对思想品德教育的内容、方法和注意事项等方面进行了较为深入的探讨,力图从中找出的若干带有规律性的东西。虽然这些见解还带有个人经验的色彩,但是如果广大体育同行都能集思广益,努力探寻, Strengthening ideological and moral education is one of the most important issues that everybody pays attention to in the current PE teaching reform. From the perspective of carrying out the education policy of all-round development of moral and physical education of the Party, combined with the characteristics of the teaching of physical education, this article makes a deep discussion on the content, methods and precautions of ideological and moral education, There are regular things. Although these insights also bring the personal experience of color, but if the vast majority of sports colleagues can brainstorming, and strive to explore,
冷清是2001年IT业的基调,衰退、裁员似乎成为最上镜的词汇。 回暧是新年里绝大多数人的期盼。当信息化、全球化、WTO继续成为关键词,许多经理人在思索、盘整时,中国IT业打鼎
The 4f-5d transitions of Er3+ ions doped in crystals were widely studi ed due to their potential applications in quantum cutting phosphors and VUV lase rs,etc.T
物理化学实验教学中多用Victor Meyer法测定液态有机物相对分子质量,所用试剂常为四氯化碳。由于四氯化碳具有相当的毒性,实验中又被气化,会导致一定的环境污染,以及伤害教师
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本文回顾了毫米波半导体器件的历史,研究国外毫米波系统的发展趋势,分析国内市场需求,总结我们自己的经验,并得出相应意见。 This article reviews the history of millimet
引起人们高度关注的“问题奶粉”事件,以两名省部级领导干部被问责,给了受害者和公众一个交代。这是继9月山西“9·8”尾矿溃坝特大伤亡事故 The issue of “milk powder”,
一、概况江边林区地处南盘江中游,地理位置介于北纬23°40’—24°26’,东经103°30’—104°之间,海拔850—2300米,坡度都在25°以上。土壤以红壤为主,PH 值在5.5—7.0之间