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“三个代表”重要思想既是我们推动实践创新的根本指针,也是我们深化理论探索的崭新起点。它要求各级政府必须把实现人民的愿望、满足人民的需要、维护人民的利益作为一切工作的出发点和落脚点。我们应当从时代发展的战略高度提高对社会主义国家政府管理创新重要性的认识;通过创新逐步实现社会主义国家政府管理体制的自我完善、自我发展;按照执政为民要求,加快管理型政府向服务型政府转变的进程,全面推进政府管理创新。 The important thinking of the ’Three Represents’ is both a fundamental guideline for us to promote practical innovation and a brand new starting point for us to deepen theoretical exploration. It requires that governments at all levels must take the realization of the aspirations of the people, the satisfaction of the needs of the people and safeguarding the interests of the people as the starting point and the foothold of all work. We should raise awareness of the importance of government management innovation in socialist countries from the strategic development of the times; gradually realize the self-improvement and self-development of the government administration system in socialist countries through innovation; and accelerate the management-oriented government to serve the people according to the requirements of governing for the people Type government to change the process of promoting government management innovation in an all-round way.
【背景】乙型肝炎病毒(Hepatitis B Virus,HBV)宫内感染是导致人群中众多HBV携带及相关性疾病的重要原因。对于HBV宫内感染目前尚无有效的预防措施,究其原因是宫内感染机制不明
有人说:“三日不读书,便觉言语无味,面目可憎。”可见阅读习惯的养成,竟能由内而外地转化个人气质,功效确实不容小觑。要让学生养成阅读的习惯,让孩子们去领略阅读的乐趣,我们不能不深思:应如何及早引导学生去正确面对繁杂而又丰富的阅读世界,增强阅读兴趣,养成读书习惯,爱上阅读呢?特别是在知识信息相对缺乏的农村学校,创建一个吸引学生阅读的平台尤为重要。    一、让家长支持孩子进入阅读角色    尝试开展班
新余市蓓蕾幼儿园创办于1986年,是一所由新余市教育局主管的公办日托制省级示范幼儿园。园所占地面积7亩,环境优美,花木扶疏,楼舍错落。 Xinyu City Budlet Kindergarten wa
近年来,江西省自学考试工作,在省委省政府的领导下,在省自考委、省教育厅的直接部署下,牢牢把握学历教育考试和非学历教育考试 In recent years, self-study examinations i