
来源 :南京市人民政府公报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zfbandfsy
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各区县人民政府,市府各委办局,市各直属单位:根据《省政府办公厅关于农业特产税改征农业税的通知》(苏政办发[2003]31号)精神,结合我市实际,市政府决定从2003年起,在全市范围内将农业特产税全部改征农业税,现就有关事项通知如下:一、农业特产税改征农业税的指导思想和目标任务 People’s governments of all districts and counties, cities, commissions, commissions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government: In accordance with the spirit of “Circular of the General Office of the Provincial Government on Agricultural Tax Rehabilitation of Special Agricultural Products for Agriculture” (Suzheng Ban [2003] No. 31) , The municipal government decided to start from 2003 onwards, all the special agricultural products tax will be levied on agricultural tax in the city. We hereby notify you of the relevant issues as follows: I. Guiding Ideology and Objectives of Agricultural Specialized Tax for Levying Agricultural Tax
本室已经建立了MHC不相合单份鼠胎血同种移植的小鼠模型。基于脐血造血干细胞的免疫学特性及临床实践 ,我们认为脐血移植成功的关键除了选择尽可能相合的供者外 ,保证移植细
省财政厅《关于大力增收节支确保完成全年预算任务实现当年收支平衡并逐步消化历年赤字的意见》已经省政府同意,现转发你们,请严格遵照执行。 The Opinions of the Provinci
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目的 建立并评价兔坐骨神经火器伤模型。方法 实验用大耳白兔 2 6只根据致伤钢珠质量和装药量随机分为 5组 ,其中A、B、C组用 0 3 8g钢珠 ,装药量分别为 0 3 5g、0 65g