Favorable lifestyle before diagnosis associated with lower risk of screen-detected advanced colorect

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zb3637607
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AIM: To investigate the association between adherence to health recommendations and detection of advanced colorectal neoplasia(ACN) in colorectal cancer(CRC) screening.METHODS: A total of 14832 women and men were invited to CRC screening, 6959 in the fecal immunochemical test arm and 7873 in the flexible sigmoidoscopy arm. These were also sent a self-reported lifestyle questionnaire to be completed prior to their first CRC screening. A lifestyle score was created to reflect current adherence to healthy behaviors in regard to smoking, body mass index, physical activity, alcohol consumption and food consumption, and ranged from zero(poorest) to six(best). Odds ratios(ORs) and 95%CIs were calculated using multivariable logistic regression to evaluate the association between the single lifestyle variables and the lifestyle score and the probability of detecting ACN.RESULTS: In all 6315 women and men completed the lifestyle questionnaire, 3323(53%) in the FIT arm and 2992(47%) in the FS arm. This was 89% of those who participated in screening. ACN was diagnosed in 311(5%) participants of which 25(8%) were diagnosed with CRC. For individuals with a lifestyle score of two, three, four, and five-six, the ORs(95%CI) for the probability of ACN detection were 0.82(0.45-1.16), 0.43(0.28-0.73), 0.41(0.23-0.64), and 0.41(0.22-0.73), respectively compared to individuals with a lifestyle score of zero-one. Of the single lifestyle factors, adherence to non-smoking and moderate alcohol intake were associated with a decreased probability of ACN detection compared to being a smoker or having a high alcohol intake 0.53(0.42-0.68) and 0.63(0.43-0.93) respectively.CONCLUSION: Adopted healthy behaviors were inversely associated with the probability of ACN detection. Lifestyle assessment might be useful for risk stratification in CRC screening. To investigate the association between adherence to health recommendations and detection of advanced colorectal neoplasia (ACN) in colorectal cancer (CRC) screening. METHODS: A total of 14832 women and men were invited to CRC screening, 6959 in the fecal immunochemical test arm and 7873 in the flexible sigmoidoscopy arm. These were also sent a self-reported lifestyle questionnaire to be completed prior prior to their first CRC screening. A lifestyle score was created to reflect current adherence to healthy behaviors in regard to smoking, body mass index, physical Odds ratios (ORs) and 95% CIs were calculated using multivariable logistic regression to evaluate the association between the single lifestyle variables and the lifestyle score and the probability of detecting ACN .RESULTS: In all 6315 women and men completed the lifestyle questionnaire, 3323 (53%) in the FIT arm and 2992 (47%) in the FS arm ACN was diagnosed in 311 (5%) of 25 (8%) were diagnosed with CRC. For individuals with a lifestyle score of two, three, four, and five- The ORs (95% CI) for the probability of ACN detection were 0.82 (0.45-1.16), 0.43 (0.28-0.73), 0.41 (0.23-0.64), and 0.41 (0.22-0.73), respectively compared to individuals with Of the single lifestyle factors, adherence to non-smoking and moderate alcohol intake were associated with a decreased probability of ACN detection compared to being a smoker or having a high alcohol intake 0.53 (0.42-0.68) and 0.63 (0.43-0.93) respectively.CONCLUSION: Adopted healthy behaviors were inversely associated with the probability of ACN detection. Lifestyle assessment might be useful for risk stratification in CRC screening.
摘 要:初中的学生处于人生的开始阶段,初中道德与法治的教学可以教学生懂得法律,了解法律。初中道德与法治的教学影响着初中学生的道德观念和法治观念。也从一定的角度说明了初中道德与法治教学的重要性。但是在现阶段的初中道德与法治的教学过程中一直未能取得比较有效的结果。所以我国怎样加强初中道德与法治的教学是学生家长和老师比较重视的一个问题。本文主要针对初中道德与法治教学现状的分析提出相应的解决方案。  關键
目的:探讨术前1周内外周血中性粒细胞/淋巴细胞(Neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio,NLR)与中老年结直肠癌(colorectal cancer,CRC)患者临床病理特征及预后的关系。方法:回顾性分析
摘 要:多校区办学,这一现象在国內高校中是普遍存在的。作为首都高校的典型案例,北京化工大学长期以来在分校区办学的道路上不断实践,探索出一套基于分年级、多校区办学特色视角下的“三域六维”思想政治教育工作体系,并且取得了良好的育人效果,在国内高校中具有可推广的示范意义。  关键词:思想教育;新模式;实践  高校思想政治教育,以立德树人为中心环节,在当今我国高水平、全方位人才培养这一系统工程中主张育人为
摘 要:随着新课改的纵深发展,构建和谐的课堂教学理念已经成为广大教育工作者的共识。而音乐作为一门独特的艺术形式,在构建和谐课堂教学中更能发挥其特有的作用,彰显其独特的魅力,提高课堂教学效率。  关键词:道德与法治;音乐;试金石;金钥匙;魔棒;火把  随着新课程改革的顺利进行,构建和谐的课堂教学理念已经成为广大教育工作者的共识。而音乐作为一门独特的艺术形式,在构建和谐课堂教学中更能发挥其特有的作用,
摘 要:随着社会的发展,对大学生的思想政治教育仅仅停留在初级的,对知识本身的灌输已经远远满足不了需求了,如何拉近思想政治教育工作与大学生之间的距离,使得大学生得到更加全面的发展是急需解决的问题,而在教育过程中融入人文关怀理念对此具有非常重要的意义。本文是笔者对人文关怀在大学生思想政治教育时效性进行研究后的一些心得,希望对广大教育工作者有所启发。  关键词:人文关怀理念;大学生思想政治教育;实效性;
摘 要:道德与法治是一门对中小学生的道德教育和法治教育有重要影响的课程,它与当前“依法治国”的思想相统一,将中华民族五千年的德治法治与21世纪中国的时代面貌相结合,对引导学生从小树立正确的价值观、人生观和世界观具有重要意义。在道德与法治课程教学中传承中华优秀传统文化,让学生从道德与法治两个方面汲取中华传统文化的营养,不仅对中学生的全面成长有所助益,对于我们当下社会也有很强的现实意义。  关键词:道
摘 要:加强对学生道德与法治观念的培养,是培育“四有公民”的必经之路。过去,在传统儒家思想的影响下,我们较为注重个人内在的道德教育,但却忽视了对个人法律意识的培养。如今,我国全面实施依法治国的基本方略,致力于把我国建设成为富强、民主、文明、和谐、美丽的社会主义法治国家。在这个时代背景下,培养公民的法律意识就显得尤为重要。在新课改的推动下,传统的道德与法治教学策略已不能满足于当代教育的需要,所以亟须
摘 要:中华民族崇尚礼和仪风尚,但初中阶段青少年在礼仪方面则缺少公德意识、恭敬意识,影响自身素质。对此,本文则从挖掘教材礼仪素材、树立正确思想观念以及构建和谐礼仪环境等分析初中道德与法治课礼仪教育策略,望给予教师提供教学参考。  关键词:初中;道德与法治;礼仪教育  当前很多家庭基本都为独生子女,以至于大部分学生家长都渴望自己的孩子学有所成,长此以往存在重智轻德教育理念,学校教育也集中于传授知识和