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在国有企业中强制推行法律顾问律师制度,用法律手段强制约束和预防国有企业领导者及其法人重大经济犯罪,并用法律形式确定国有企业领导者个人及班子整体和顾问律师两方面权利、义务,具有不可低估的作用。企业有义务在重大问题上征寻顾问律师的法律意见;顾问律师也有义务依法提供法律意见。企业以法律为准绳,不仅可以提高企业决策质量,而且有利于国有企业的良性发展,更可以预防国有企业的法人及其领导者个人的刑事违法行为,防止国有资产流失,这对我国社会主义市场经济和国民经济发展都具有极其重要的意义。一、强制推行企业法律顾问律师制度的迫切性和必要性首先,近年来一些损害国有企业利益恶性案件呈上升趋势,涉案金额越来越大,社会影响极其恶劣。以法律形式在国有企业中强制推行法律顾问律师制度有利于及时预防上述不良行为的发生,不仅 To enforce the system of legal consultants and lawyers in state-owned enterprises, and to forcefully bind and prevent state-owned enterprise leaders and their legal persons from major economic crimes by legal means. In the form of laws, the rights and obligations of the leaders of state-owned enterprises and the overall team and consultants and lawyers should be determined. Has a role can not be underestimated. It is the duty of the enterprise to seek the legal advice of the consultant lawyer on major issues; the consultant lawyer is also obliged to provide legal advice in accordance with the law. The law of enterprises as the criterion should not only improve the quality of decision-making of enterprises, but also be beneficial to the sound development of state-owned enterprises, moreover, it can prevent the criminal activities of state-owned legal persons and their leaders and prevent the loss of state-owned assets, Economic and national economic development are of extremely important significance. I. The Urgency and Necessity of Enforcing the Lawyer System of Enterprise Legal Counsel First of all, in recent years, some vicious crimes that damage the interests of state-owned enterprises have been on the rise. The amount involved has been growing and the social impact has been extremely harsh. Enforcing the system of legal counsel and solicitors in state-owned enterprises by law is conducive to timely prevention of the occurrence of such bad behaviors, not only
创意摄影师Tyler Shields拍摄了名为“Indulgence”的照片,片中他仅仅使用了品牌Logo的物品,而女演员的表情说明她对这些虚假的商品依旧爱得痴迷。Tyler以这种方式提出问题: