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目的全面了解乐山市眼科资源分布和服务能力,分析存在的问题,为其眼科建设和开展防盲治盲工作提供科学依据。方法调查统计2012年乐山市17家综合性医院眼科床位数、眼科卫生技术人员数、职称结构、眼科设备、服务能力、手术开展状况,并对调查结果进行分析。结果全市17家综合性医院拥有眼科床位186张,眼科医师84人,技师6人,护士64人。高、中、初级职称眼科医师分别为16、28、40人。全市总门诊量184 300例次,总住院量9 920例次,总手术量12 320例,其中完成白内障手术6 211例。结论乐山市眼科医疗资源分布不均匀,服务能力不平衡,主要集中在市中区4家医院,大部分区县技术力量较薄弱,偏远区县无眼科医生和基本设备。全市白内障手术量完成较好,但手术质量有待提高。加强学科带头人的培养,是完善三级防盲治盲基层保健体系的重要因素。 Objective To comprehensively understand the distribution and service capabilities of ophthalmic resources in Leshan City and to analyze the existing problems so as to provide a scientific basis for ophthalmic construction and prevention of blindness. Methods To investigate and calculate the number of ophthalmic beds, the number of ophthalmic hygienic technicians, job title structure, ophthalmic equipment, service ability and operation in 17 general hospitals in Leshan City in 2012 and the survey results were analyzed. Results There were 186 ophthalmic beds, 84 ophthalmologists, 6 technicians and 64 nurses in 17 general hospitals in the city. High, medium and junior titles ophthalmologists were 16,28,40 people. The city’s total outpatient volume of 184 300 cases, the total number of 9 920 cases of hospitalization, the total amount of 12 320 cases, of which 6 211 cases completed cataract surgery. Conclusion The distribution of ophthalmic medical resources in Leshan City is unbalanced and the service capacity is unbalanced. Most of the districts are located in four hospitals in the downtown area. Most of the districts and counties have weak technical strength. There are no ophthalmologists and basic equipment in remote areas. The city’s cataract surgery completed better, but the quality of the operation needs to be improved. To strengthen the cultivation of academic leaders is an important factor in improving the three-level prevention and treatment of blind primary health care system.
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