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最近,深圳市加大了“放小”力度,提出“彻底放活”国有小企业的思路和措施。一是搞清彻底放活的内涵。首先是放开企业的财产组织形式,进行产权制度改革,允许企业根据市场经济的要求,灵活选择多种形式与其它所有制资产进行优化组合,实现产权多元化;其次是放开企业的经营内容和形式,解决企业的经营自主权问题,使小企业按市场需求自主地、灵活地选择经营形式和项目,实现资产增值;第三,放开企业的人事管理权,按财产组织形式,由出资者自主选择并监督企业的领导者;最后放掉政府对企业所承担的无限责任,把小企业放到市场上去,自主经营和发展。 Recently, Shenzhen Municipality has stepped up its efforts to “put in small” and proposed “completely liberalize” the ideas and measures of small state-owned enterprises. The first is to understand the connotation of thoroughly reviving. The first is to liberalize the company’s property organization form, carry out reforms of the property rights system, allow companies to flexibly choose multiple forms and other ownership assets for optimal combination and diversification of property rights according to the requirements of the market economy, and secondly, to liberalize the business content of the company. Form, to solve the problem of the autonomy of the business, so that small businesses can independently and flexibly choose the business model and project according to market demand to achieve asset value growth; Third, to liberalize the company’s personnel management rights, according to the form of property organization, by the funder Independently choose and supervise the leaders of the company; finally let go of the unlimited responsibilities that the government assumes for the company, put small businesses into the market, and manage and develop independently.
中国企业家可能还没有意识到自己正在成为世界的主角。中国企业扇动 一下翅膀,大洋彼岸的美国总统和平民百姓都有感应 Chinese entrepreneurs may not realize that they ar
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在家中,我常常喜欢透过窗户欣赏那富有情趣的晚霞。可我乘飞机时看到的晚霞,却是别具一格,瑰丽而富有生命力。 At home, I often like to enjoy the fun of the sunset thro
材料和方法 准备新近拔除的磨牙70个,去污洗净后,将牙齿表面尤其是根分叉区涂一层洞漆,以防染料进入牙本质小管或侧支根管。窝洞制备后用2~#钻钻穿髓底,穿孔与钻等大。取60