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20世纪50年代的杰罗姆·麦卡锡提出的营销组合理论奠定了如今市场营销理论发展的框架,市场营销理论与实践的发展基本上是在不断传播、充实与完善这一思想体系。直到近年来,愈发激烈的市场竞争刺激企业实践的不断创新,从而拓展了传统营销的内涵。尤其是20世纪90年代以来,先进的营销战略不断在发达国家取得新的突破。而其中对我国影响最大的该属整合营销战略。 The marketing combination theory put forward by Jerome McCarthy in the 1950s lays the framework for the development of marketing theory today. The development of marketing theory and practice is basically the ideological system of constantly spreading, enriching and perfecting. Until recently, the increasingly fierce market competition stimulated the continuous innovation of business practices, thus expanding the connotation of traditional marketing. Especially since the 90s of the 20th century, advanced marketing strategies have continuously made new breakthroughs in the developed countries. Which is the most influential of China’s integrated marketing strategy.
原著标题:Beobachtunger櫣ber den Nutzen des Berger Leberthrans·原著作者:Sch櫣tte D(生卒年不详)刊载杂志:Arch·Med·Erfahr·1824,2:79-92·原著摘译:最早报告大头鱼
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