
来源 :农村电工 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qiushuiweishen
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1995年12月28日上午,河北省广平县上坡村村委会办公室外,一群人围在一块大黑板前指指划划在看电费公布栏。办公室内,一群人排队争缴电费。该村电工告诉我们:“自去年电力局对俺村进行低压电网整改,建立了电费公布栏,张榜收费以后,电价由每千瓦时0.7元降到每千瓦时0.35元,群众主动缴电费,如今只用一天就把电费收齐了。” 该县在抓农村电价管理方面,一是在全县169个村建立了电费公布榜。村干部、村电工的电费在乡(镇)公布;二是实行有奖举报。凡抄表收费超过市批限价标准,一经查实,罚电工200~300元,并吊销“电工证”,奖举报者50元;三是建立局长接待日制度。每月5日和15日为局长接待日,专门接待处理农村电价问题;四是成立农村电费电价稽查队。坚持每月抽查,每季普查和重点检查相结合。通过狠抓规范管理,全县农村低压线损率稳定在12%以下,电价降到0.35元以内。全县169个村,村村实现了群众主动缴电费。市电费电价检查团将该县作为免检单位。近日,河北省电费电价经验交流会在广 On the morning of December 28, 1995, outside the office of the village committee of Shangpo Village, Guangping County, Hebei Province, a group of people surrounded a large blackboard to refer to the electricity charge announcement column. In the office, a group of people lining up for payment of electricity. The village electrician told us: “Since last year, the Electric Power Bureau carried out a low-voltage power grid rectification campaign in Yucun and established an electricity fee announcement column. After the charges were charged, the electricity price dropped from 0.7 yuan per kilowatt-hour to 0.35 yuan per kilowatt-hour. The masses took the initiative to pay electricity. Nowadays, In just one day, the electricity tariffs were collected.” The county is in charge of rural electricity tariff management, first, in the county’s 169 villages established a power bill announced. The village cadres and village electricians have their electricity charges announced in townships (towns); the second is the implementation of award reports. Where the meter reading fees exceed the city’s limit price standards, once verified, fine electrician 200 to 300 yuan, and revoked the “electrician certificate”, 50 yuan whistleblower; third is to establish the Secretary of the reception day system. On the 5th and 15th of each month, the reception day for the Director-General received special treatment for rural electricity prices. Fourth, the rural electricity tariff inspection team was established. Adhere to monthly spot checks, combined with quarterly census and focus checks. Through careful management of standards and management, the county’s rural low-voltage line loss rate is stable below 12%, and the electricity price has fallen below 0.35 yuan. In the county’s 169 villages, the villages and villages have realized the initiative to pay electricity fees. The city electricity tariff inspection team will use the county as an inspection-free unit. Recently, the Hebei Provincial Electricity Price Experience Exchange Conference
在甘肃省兰州市皋兰县境南部,坐落着一个环境优美、民风淳朴、人文荟萃的小山村——文山村。近年来,文山村深入挖掘传统文化,坚持以文化引领为核心,以宣传教育为先导,以构建长效机制为根本,构建起文化气息浓郁、环境优美、生態和谐的新村庄。  文山村倡导文化育民,注重宣传教育引导,推崇人文关怀,着力培养村民文明意识。把社会宣传作为助推器,以群众为主动力,利用“一村一品”群众性文化节会、春节社火巡演、给村民的一