
来源 :福州总医院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dextersky001
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1病例报告患者祁XX,男性,76岁,因“体检胸片发现右下肺阴影2天”拟“右下肺癌”于2003年6月19日住我院心胸外科,于2003年6月30日在全麻下行右下肺叶切除术。术后病理示肺中央型中分化基底细胞样鳞癌,T_N_0M_XG_2。术后第2天起出现咳嗽、咳痰,胸片检查示右中下肺炎症,经抗感染、化痰、平喘等处理,并间断床边纤支镜介入治疗,症状反复。2003年7月10日症状加重,气促明显,并出现神志不清,吸氧下动脉血气分析示pH7.502、PaCO_2 1 case report Qi Qi, male, 76 years old, because “” chest examination of the right lower lung shadow 2 days “to be ” lower right lung cancer "in June 19, 2003 living in our hospital cardiothoracic surgery in 2003 June 30, under general anesthesia right lower lobectomy. Postoperative pathology showed moderately differentiated basal lung squamous cell carcinoma, T_N_0M_XG_2. Cough and sputum appeared on the second day after operation. The chest X-ray examination showed inflammation of the right middle and lower lung. After anti-infective, phlegm and asthma treatment and intermittent bed fiber bronchial interventional treatment, the symptoms were repeated. July 10, 2003 aggravating symptoms, shortness of breath, and unconsciousness, arterial blood gas analysis under oxygen showed pH7.502, PaCO_2
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