危险就在身边 深度调查之一

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汽车玻璃贴膜技术产生于上世纪70年代,最初只有遮光和防紫外线功能,因此被称为太阳膜或者控光膜。随着技术的发展,玻璃贴膜开始向增加玻璃强度和抗冲击性能等功能上发展。一张厚度不足0.2毫米的安全膜贴在玻璃上,可增强玻璃的内张应力,将玻璃的强度提升100倍以上。这种具有保护汽车安全作用的汽车贴膜被称为防爆膜或安全膜。然而提高玻璃的抗击打能力却并不是安全膜的全部功能,根据国际窗膜协会的规定,安全膜应该具有单向防护的功能,也就是说虽然贴了安全膜的车辆在外面可以抵御子弹的打击,但是在车内却应该很容易就将玻璃击碎,以便在遇到紧急情况时,车内的人能够及时逃生。浙江大学龚报钧博士说,从汽车玻璃膜行业来看,必须具备这个功能,即它必须保证车内人遇到紧急情况时能够安全逃生,如果不具备这一性能,应该禁止在这个行业营业,因为在遇到危险情况下,将会危及车内人的生命安全。因此,优质的汽车玻璃安全膜应该是不仅能够承受外力的打击,而且可以从车内轻易地击碎玻璃逃生。经浙江省工商部门的测试,证实了唐先生所使用的安全膜,并不符合国际窗膜协会的安全标准。 Automotive glass film technology was born in the 70s of last century, initially only shading and UV protection, it is called the solar film or film. With the development of technology, the glass film began to increase the glass strength and impact resistance and other functions on the development. A safety film with a thickness of less than 0.2 mm is attached to the glass to increase the internal tensile stress of the glass and to increase the strength of the glass by more than 100 times. This has the role of car safety car foil is known as explosion-proof film or safety film. However, to improve the anti-strike ability of glass is not the full function of safety film. According to the regulations of International Window Film Association, the safety film should have the function of one-way protection. In other words, although the car with safety film can resist bullets outside Strike, but in the car but it should be easy to crush the glass, in case of emergency, the car can escape in time. Dr. Gong Baojun from Zhejiang University said that from the automotive glass membrane industry, it must have this function, that is, it must ensure that occupants can escape safely when encountering an emergency situation. If they do not have this capability, they should be banned from operating in this industry , Because in the face of dangerous situations, will endanger the safety of the lives of people inside the car. Therefore, high-quality automotive glass safety film should not only be able to withstand the impact of external forces, but also from the car easily crushed glass to escape. The test by the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Industry and Commerce confirmed that the safety film used by Mr. Tang does not conform to the safety standards of the International Window Film Association.
提出了一种由微机控制的数字调谐AM/FM广播接收卡的设计方案,其硬件少,控制方便,为计算机多媒体技术在广播领域的应用提供了一种新的尝试。 A design scheme of digitally tuned AM
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中国经济或将硬着陆“美国的这场金融危机可能会将中国拖入硬着陆的轨道。”中国国际金融有限公司首席经济学家哈继铭日前在出席“中国经济50人论坛”研讨会上表示。 China
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从噪声性能、失真、速度、ADC输入结构及输出阻抗和环路增益等方面简要分析了ADC系统中缓冲器(驱动放大器)与ADC的匹配问题。 From the aspects of noise performance, distortion, spe