The virological impacts of SARS-CoV-2 D614G mutation

来源 :分子细胞生物学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:crystal_zirui
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The coronavirus diseases 2019 (COVID-19) caused by the infection of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) emerged in December 2019 has caused more than 140 million infections worldwide by the end of April 2021.As an envel-oped single-stranded positive-sense RNA virus,SARS-CoV-2 underwent constant evolution that produced novel variants carrying mutation conferring fitness advantages.The current prevalent D614G variant,with glycine substituted for aspartic acid at posi-tion 614 in the spike glycoprotein,is one of such variants that became the main circulating strain worldwide in a short period of time.Over the past year,intensive studies from all over the world had defined the epidemiological characteristics of this highly contagious variant and revealed the underlying mechanisms.This review aims at presenting an overall picture of the impacts of D614G mutation on virus transmission,elucidating the underlying mechanisms of D614G in virus pathogenicity,and providing insights into the development of effective therapeutics.
本文主要研究非线性复微分方程f4+a(z)ff(k)=p1(z)eα1(z)+p2(z)eα2(z)的超越亚纯解,其中 a,p1,p2是非零的有理函数,α1,α2是非常数的多项式.进一步地,考虑当亚纯解存在时,α1,α2,p1和p2所满足的条件.另外,还讨论了非线性复微分方程f3+a(z)f\'=p1(z)ev(z)+p2(z)e-v(z)的亚纯解的存在性,其中a,p1,p2是非零的有理函数,v是非常数的多项式.所得的结果直接推广了一些已知的结果.
Tumor development is a process involving loss of the differentiation phenotype and acquisition of stem-like characteristics,which is driven by intracellular rewiring of signaling network.The measurement of network reprogramming and disorder would be chall
本文主要研究赋值环上的Hermite环猜想.根据赋值环V上一元多项式环V[x]的性质,研究并得到V[x]上幺模行向量(a1(x),a2(x),...,an(x))的一系列关于等价的性质,进而证明了赋值环上的Hermite环猜想成立,即对任意的赋值环V,V[x]都是 Hermite 环.
设q为质数幂,m为大于1的正整数,p1,p2为不同的奇质数满足gcd(q,P1P2)=1且m| gcd(p1-1,p2-1).本文基于m次剩余的思想,给出码长为P1P2的m次剩余码的两种构造.对每种构造,分别给出其为q元码的等价刻画及其计数公式,得到了它们的LCD、自正交性质,最后讨论了 m次剩余码的最小距离.特别地,当q=m为奇质数时,给出了 m次剩余码最小距离的一个下界.
The worldwide infection of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) impacts human health and life on multiple levels.People infected with SARS-CoV-2 suffer from physical disorders and psychological distress.At present,no direct evidenc
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The prevailing coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) caused by a novel severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2)has presented some neurological manifestations including hyposmia,hypogeusia,headache,stroke,encephalitis,Guillain-Barre syndrome,