联系实际办教育 扎扎实实为企业服务

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企业的教育离不开企业,更离不开企业领导人的关心与支持。否则,就会成为无源之水,无本之木。企业生产经营的实际需要是企业教育永恒的主题内容,全心全意为企业服务是企业教育的根本宗旨。只有密切联系企业的实际办教育,全心全意为企业服务,才能赢得企业领导人更为有力的支持,才能使企业的教育更加生机勃勃。多年来,武钢(集团)公司(以下简称武钢)的各级各类教育,在公司领导支持下,紧密联系企业的实际开展教育培训工作,努力为企业服务,做了一些工作,取得了一定的成绩。一、狠抓职前培训不断为企业输送新鲜血液企业要兴旺,离不开高素质的劳动力。新技术、 Business education can not be separated from the enterprise, but also inseparable from the business leaders’ concern and support. Otherwise, it will become a passive water, without the wood. The actual needs of the production and operation of enterprises is the eternal theme of education, dedicated service to enterprises is the fundamental purpose of business education. Only in close contact with the actual business education, and serve the business wholeheartedly, in order to win the business leaders more powerful support in order to make the business education more vibrant. Over the years, various types of education at all levels of WISCO (Group) Company (hereinafter referred to as Wuhan Iron and Steel Company), with the support of the company leaders, have done a lot of work in close connection with the actual enterprises’ education and training work, tried their best to serve for the enterprise, Score. First, pay close attention to pre-job training Continued delivery of fresh blood for the enterprise to be prosperous, inseparable from the high-quality workforce. new technology,
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