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  Prolific Biographer
  By Wei Xinmin
  Beijing-based Chen Tingyi and Shanghai-Based Ye Yonglie are China’s two most outstanding biographers of today. A scholar commented ten years ago in an influential publication that Chen’s biographies were a must for the readers who wanted to know about Chinese biographies and that Chen was indispensable in the history of biographers. The commentator’s words still ring true today.
  As early as in the autumn of 1998, I met Chen at a forum on his latest book and asked for an interview. He joked, what about come to see me and write abut me when I have produced more than 10 million words??I relied in the same joking way, what do you think of the title for my story: Chen the multi-millionaire??He smiled noncommittally.
  At an exhibition of biographies held at China Books Tower in Beijing in 2004, 17 biographies by Chen Tingyi were on display. They were launched by five publishers.
  Since the 6-year-old agreement still held good, I visited the prolific biographer at his house in the southern Beijing last year. Along a wall of his study stood a bookcase where 43 copies of biographies he had written were proudly on display.
  His own story is probably no less colorful than those he has written for famed ones in the Chinese history. Born into a poverty-stricken rural family in central China, Chen doesn remember he ever had a good meal as a kid. After the death of his father, his mother made a big decision: she wanted her son to become somebody through education even if she would have to be a beggar.
  Chen was number one student when he went to senior high school. But his college dream was shattered in 1966 when the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976) broke out. He joined the army and became a soldier in a forest area in the northeastern China. In his early 20s, the young soldier was fascinated by the picturesque scenery around the barracks. He began to write poems. Pretty soon, his poems and a short story appeared in a literary magazine in Jilin Province. He began to dream of becoming a writer. Unexpectedly, his prayer was answered. He became an editor for Jilin Art and Literature.
  In the later period of the Cultural Revolution, he was enrolled into the Chinese Department of Jilin University. His college dream finally came true.
  His first biography is about Xu Shiyou, a legendary senior general of the People’s Liberation Army. More than one million copies of Chen’s trilogy about the hero were printed. The trilogy broke the taboo in the then China that no writer should produce a biography for a living person.And the big success made a nationwide name for the young biographer.
  The success came with hard work. It was when he was doing researches for his first book that Chen Tingyi established two principles for his career: for materials, he goes to where history happened and he reads about his subjects extensively. He applied the two principles to his first book. In those years, very little information about the legendary general was formed in data banks. In order to find more about the hot-blooded general and his past, the hot-blooded young Chen traced the Long March step by step over years. For three Spring Festivals, he was on the road doing his own Long March. He lost more than 10 kg but what he saw and learned were recorded in dozens of notebooks. He went to the general’s home village in the Dabie Mountains. In fact, Chen visited almost all places where Xu had once lived. It took the biographer a good 8 years to complete the Legends of Xu Shiyou.
  Since then Chen has authored multi-volume biographies on big names in the modern Chinese history such as Dr. Sun Yat-sen, Madam Song Qingling, Chiang Kai-shik, Mao Zedong, and Deng Xiaoping.
  In 1993, a Japanese TV sent a group to produce a program on Chinese history. They had planned to have a historian appear in their program. But when the TV reporters visited major bookstores in Beijing and spotted biographies on the Song Family by Chen Tingyi, they decided to change their plan. They turned their camera toward the biographer.
  Readers say that Chen’s biographies read like novels. This is particularly true of his later works. This results from his understanding of the genre, history and reality. For him, the appeal of a biography does not lie in sophisticated words or phrases. It originates from a philosophy of creative writing. Chen believes that writing loses meaning when a writer, even if he has produced 20 books, can continue to turn out something new.
  In order to produce something new that catches the readers?imagination, Chen Tingyi was silent for two years before he launched his tour de force Land, a lengthy reportage and discussion on what land means to the Chinese civilization from the past to the future.
  This is a truthful report on the national realities. People in the Ministry of Land and Resources compared the book as in axe that cuts the sky open?
  Chen is brave. He never withdraws himself from writing about history and those that shaped history. What he learns from history and reality inspires him. Before he began writing Land, he was kidnapped. The nerve-wracking experience did not deter him but urged him on.
  When we finished the interview, Chen let on that his new book will come out in 2005. I feel that Chen’s success comes largely from his hard work. His biographies represent his personality and his personality fuses into his works.
   (Translated by David)
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