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文化与课程,是关系学校发展方式与方向的核心问题,也是当下中小学特别关注的热点问题。然而,在这股席卷的热潮背后,却存在着诸多令人担心的隐忧:其中之一就是把学校文化与课程的建设割裂开来。谈文化的不涉及课程,学校文化建设变成了几个空洞概念的微言大义,有的干脆衍变为广告公司对学校的形象设计与包装。如此这般的学校文化建设多数成了学校的面子工程、校长的政绩工程,文化的种子无法落地生根,学校的改进与提升成为空谈;另一种倾向是:课程开发不考虑与学校文化系统的对接,热热闹闹的背后是无意义的零打碎敲。课程建设变成孤立的行动,与学校哲学以及学生培养目标无法统整,学校课程开发缺失了应有的方向感与高度。我们认为,学校文化建设必须与课程规划进行一体化思考,即学校文化建设必须以课程建设为基础工程和重要路径;学校的课程建设必须基于学校文化,特别需要基于学校办学哲学,朝向学校发展目标和学生培养目标。真正把文化与课程建设的两张皮变成一张皮,学校文化建设才能落地生根,滋润师生的心田,改变人们的思想与行为,惠及学校的改进与发展。课程规划与开发也才能获得明确的方向感与价值引领,成为学校文化特别是学校哲学的行动体现。正是基于这样的想法,从2015年春天开始,江苏凤凰教育智库与苏州市觅渡中学开始了学校文化与课程整体建设的实践探索。经过多次实践调查与思想交流,形成了觅渡中学文化与课程建设的整体方案。从本期开始,我们把围绕这一主题形成的思考与实践的点滴付诸笔端,汇报给广大读者,以期获得更多的鼓励与建议。 Culture and curriculum are the core issues that affect the way and direction of school development. They are also the hot issues of particular concern to primary and secondary schools. However, behind this wave of upsurge, there are still many worrying worries: One of them is to separate the school culture from the curriculum construction. Talk about culture does not involve courses, the construction of school culture has become a jargon of several empty concepts, and some simply changed to the advertising company’s image of the school design and packaging. So most of the construction of school culture has become the face of the school project, the principal’s performance engineering, cultural seeds can not take root, improvement and promotion of schools become empty talk; the other tendencies are: the development of the curriculum does not consider the school culture system Butt, bustling behind is pointless zero knock knock. Curriculum construction into an isolated action, and school philosophy and student training objectives can not be reorganized, the lack of a sense of direction and height of the school curriculum development. In our opinion, the construction of school culture must be integrated with the curriculum planning. That is to say, the construction of school culture must be based on curriculum construction and important path. The curriculum construction of schools must be based on the school culture and the special needs should be based on the school running philosophy and toward the school development goals And student training objectives. To really turn the two skins of culture and curriculum construction into a skillet will we be able to take root in the building of a school culture, moisturize the hearts and minds of teachers and students, change people’s thoughts and behaviors and benefit the improvement and development of schools. Curriculum planning and development also can get a clear sense of direction and value leadership, as the school culture, especially school philosophy reflects the action. It is based on the idea that starting from the spring of 2015, Jiangsu Phoenix Education Think Tank and Suzhou Mangdu Middle School started the practical exploration of the overall construction of school culture and curriculum. After many practical surveys and exchanges of ideas, the overall program of seeking culture and curriculum construction for secondary schools has been formed. From the beginning of this issue, we put the dots of thinking and practice formed around this theme to our readers for more encouragement and advice.
本报讯(通讯员 石斌)近期,成都市教育局公布了在园5岁儿童体质专项监测情况,结果显示:成都市5岁儿童体质综合评分合格率达96.3%,高出国家公布的幼儿合格率3.4个百分点。城乡儿童发