
来源 :浙江消防 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:allenwyh
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这确实是惊心动魄的一幕:永嘉消防官兵面对即将爆炸的汽油罐、油车罐,与火魔展开了搏斗。三位战士冲入火海,救出被压在五孔板下的汽校学员,接受了血与火的洗礼,生与死的考验,谱写了一曲壮丽的时代赞歌。 7月14日上午7时35分许,急促的警铃声在永嘉县消防大队火警指挥中心响起。电话里传来十分凄惨的颤抖声:“瓯北码头加油站发生爆炸,有人被炸死!”火情就是命令!消防大队迅速出动了二辆消防车和16名官兵,赶到火灾现场。 起火的码头加油站上空浓烟滚滚、火光冲天,油罐随时有可能发生爆炸。这里是码头停车场,百余辆汽车万一起火,后果不堪设想。加油站这边有三只装有35吨汽油的油罐,如果爆炸可将整个码头及方圆一公里范围的区域夷为平地。情况十分危急。在生死莫测的火场上,面对即将爆炸的汽油罐和离加油站100米处的汽油车罐。消防官兵兵分二路,在副指导员李新华的指挥 This is indeed a thrilling scene: Yongjia fire officers and soldiers in the face of the explosion of gasoline tanks, oil tanker, and the fire started fighting. The three soldiers stormed the sea of ​​fire, rescuing the students who were under pressure in the five-hole plate to undergo the baptism of blood and fire, the test of life and death, and composing a magnificent hymn of the times. At 7:35 am on July 14, the rapid alarm ring sounded at the Fire Command Center of Yongjia Fire Brigade. Very miserable trembling came on the phone: “Oubei terminal gas station exploded, some were killed!” The fire is an order! Fire brigade quickly dispatched two fire engines and 16 officers and soldiers rushed to the scene of the fire. The firestorm over the gas station billowing billowing, sky, the tank may explode at any time. Here is the dock parking lot, hundreds of cars in case of fire, the consequences could be disastrous. There are three gas stations with 35 tons of gasoline on the tank, if the explosion can be the entire terminal and a radius of one kilometer area razed to the ground. The situation is very critical. In the unpredictable scene of life and death, the face of the explosion of gasoline tanks and petrol stations 100 meters from the petrol tank. Fire officers and soldiers divided into two routes, the deputy director Li Xinhua command
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