
来源 :石河子科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:littlewolfwolfwolf
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三月上旬师科协、科委、农业局联合邀请石河子农学院、农垦科学院及师、市有关部门专家、教授二十余人召开“师、市九四年农业生产分析对策会”.现将有关四大作物早期田管意见整理如下:一、冬麦重施返青肥和挑旗叶面喷肥.因小麦从拔节——抽穗受旱减产最大,因此,要着重灌好挑旗、灌浆水.结合今年气候特点抓好小麦成穗率和干粒重,夺取小麦丰产. In early March, Teachers Association, Science and Technology Commission and Agriculture Bureau jointly invited Shihezi College of Agriculture, Agricultural Reclamation Science Academy and experts and professors from relevant departments of municipal and municipal departments to hold more than 20 professors’ agricultural production analysis countermeasures in division and city. The views of the early cropland on the four major crops are summarized as follows: First, winter wheat re-application of green manure and flag leaf foliar fertilizer because of wheat from the jointing - heading drought caused the largest reduction, therefore, we should focus on filling the flag, grouting water Combining the characteristics of this year ’s climacterics, we will make good use of the earnspeed and dry weight of wheat to seize the wheat yield.
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Vespa velutina is an invasive species that was observed for the first time in France and Europe in 2004,which rapidly threatened domestic honeybees with active