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法新社在非洲市场开辟新视频栏目“非洲周刊”2015年4月10日,法新社针对非洲市场新设置了一档名为“非洲周刊”的视频节目,“非洲周刊”的问世是其创造“崭新且不同的产品”战略的其中一步,显然是为了适应“多屏”时代的需求和特点,也标志着其新一轮非洲业务调整启动。“非洲周刊”易于被编辑,被重塑成适合不同屏幕的内容,满足不同终端受众对于视频新闻的消费需求。 AFP opens new video section in African market “Africa Weekly” On April 10, 2015, AFP set a new program entitled “African Weekly” for the African market, “Africa Weekly The advent of ”“ is a step toward its strategy of creating ”new and different products “ apparently to meet the needs and characteristics of the ”multi-screen “ era and also marks the start of a new round of business restructuring in Africa. ”Africa Weekly " is easy to edit, is reshaped into content suitable for different screens, to meet the consumer demand for video news for different end-users.
By assuming constant winter wheat varieties and agricultural practices in China,the influence of climate change on winter wheat is simulated using the corrected
介绍GE Mark VIes安全控制系统的特点和功能,结合在42500 m3/h空分设备配套膨胀机上的应用经验,叙述GE Mark VIes安全控制系统在膨胀机启停、回流阀控制、油泵及辅助系统控制
日前,美国大陆煤炭有限公司仅仅投资3000万美元,就拥有了价值近百亿元人民币的国有煤矿——亚美大宁能源有限公司的控股权和经营权。 Recently, the United States Continen
Aiming at the limitations of the existing knowledge representations in intelligent detection,a novel extension-based knowledge representation(EKR) is proposed.T
A new method was developed based on the electron beam vacuum dispersion(EBVD) technology to prepare the PTFE polymer coating of the new polymer quartz piezoelec
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挖掘地域文化,宣传风土民情,是县级电视台义不容辞的义务和责任。县级电视台要因地制宜,打造精品文化类节目,反映家乡的文化历史,感受文化的昌隆与灿烂。 Excavating region