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英国1979年推广接种风疹疫苗,对象为11~14周岁女孩和某些血清学阴性成年妇女,对成年妇女的接种不够广泛。作者叙述下面几个问题: 一、疫苗接种情况:人群原有血清学状况与疫苗效果的关系:英国1970年~1976年接种16岁以下女孩2,118,300名,平均每年接种302,600名,相当于72%的女孩(16岁以下)接种了疫苗。疫苗效果与接种对象的血清抗体百分率有关系,如在谢菲尔德地区13岁女孩84.2%有血凝抑制(HAI)抗体,而奥克尼地区只有51.6%有HAI抗体,则在谢菲尔德接种风疹疫苗就不如在奥克尼地区接种为有利。二、免疫后自然感染对血清阳性率的作用:奥克尼地区暴发风疹流行后,血清阳性率从45%(1l~15),68.4%(16~25岁)和77.9%(26~35岁)增加到80%以上。因此有理由推测95%的妇女在第一胎妊娠时已获得风疹抗体。三、成年妇女血清阳性率改变情况:Hambling报告没有风疹HAI抗体的15~19岁妇女逐渐减少,1971~1972年为14.3%, In 1979, the United Kingdom promoted the vaccination of rubella for 11 to 14-year-old girls and some seronegative adult women, not enough for adult women. The author describes the following questions: First, the vaccination situation: the original serological status of the population and the relationship between the vaccine effect: the United Kingdom from 1970 to 1976 vaccinated 2,118,300 girls under 16 years of age, the average annual vaccination of 302,600, equivalent to 72% of Girls (under 16 years old) are vaccinated. The vaccine efficacy was related to the percentage of serum antibody in vaccinated subjects, such as 84.2% of HAI antibodies in 13-year-old girls in Sheffield and only 61.6% of HAI antibodies in Orkney, with rubella vaccination in Sheffield It is better to vaccinate in the Orkney region as beneficial. Second, the effect of natural infection after infection on seroprevalence: After the outbreak of the rubella in the Orkney area, the seroprevalence was 45% (1l-15), 68.4% (16-25) and 77.9% (26-35) ) Increased to more than 80%. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that 95% of women have had rubella antibodies at the first trimester of pregnancy. Seroprevalence changes in adult women: Hambling reported a 15- to 19-year-old reduction in women who did not have rubella HAI antibodies, a decrease of 14.3% from 1971 to 1972,
中国城市交通的问题和对策全国政协副秘书长周干峙TheChineseUrbanTrafficProblemsandtheCounter-measures¥ByZhouGanzhi;et,alAbstract:Thiscolumeincludespart... China’s urban transport problems and countermeasures CPPCC Deputy Secretary-General Zhou Ganzhi TheChineseUr